Cat Dress on a Rainy Day (Outfit)
By Themowway
The weather has been crazy. One day it's +37 degrees and the next one it's raining and cold (24C, not that cold, but this is Spain, y´know :))
This past weekend I spent a whole day cleaning my computer and I found these photos from a couple months ago. I know it's still summer over here, but I wanted to be supportive with those who live in cooler countries and share what to me is pretty much the perfect autumn outfit.
Don't think you can properly see it in these photos, but when we took them it was literally pouring down. Arg, it's so hard being glam when the weather doesn't cooperate right? #firstworldproblems.
There's something really special about these photos (aparte of how perfect this dress goes with my absolute favorite shoes..). These photos were
I'm slowly but surely getting back into blogging... and I'm loving it!
I'll be starting a photography course later this month and quite possibly a photoshop mini-course too. I'm so excited about the future. It's incredible that I manage to say it and actually belive it. Life is good.
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