Casting Crowns’ New Album, Come To The Well is Out…read This Great Review on It.

By Lessonsofadad @lessonsofadad

Casting Crowns' hot new album

I’ve posted many Casting Crowns videos on my blog, and for good reason.  They are among the best CCM bands out there, with some of my favorite hits of theirs being, Who Am I?, Voice of Truth, American Dream (which figures prominently on this blog), Life of Praise (probably my all-time favorite youth worship song)…and now, Courageous which I featured on a previous blog entry and which headlines the fatherhood-themed movie of the same name.
Well, Casting Crowns’ highly anticipated album that features the song, Courageous is newly out in stores.  It’s called Come To The Well, and according to this review, it is one great album (rated 4.5 out 5).  Hey, it’s no surprise, because Casting Crowns is one great band, winning several GMA Dove Awards and a Grammy Award  to boot. 
So, Casting Crowns’ new album, Come To The Well is out…read this great review on it.
If you live in the states, buy it today!  I'll have to wait a little longer over here in the Philippines.  Oh well, good things are worth waiting.