Casting Call: Grace Kelly

Posted on the 27 September 2012 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

Either I’ve been hiding under a rock or the movie Grace of Monaco (slated for a 2014 release) hasn’t had much publicity, because I’ve only just come across the fact that Nicole Kidman was cast to play Grace Kelly herself in the film. Now, I like Nicole Kidman, but I liked her a lot more before she began injecting her face with poisonous  substances that leave her incapable of expression. There’s no doubt that she has the acting chops as well as the reputation of an classy ice-queen so I definitely see why she was cast as Grace. But for some reason she is not who I have in mind as the perfect Grace Kelly impersonator. In this article I present to you my completely irrelevant opinion on who would be the best Grace Kelly in a movie adaptation.

1.Rosamund Pike. Rosamund is a pretty English rose known for her roles in Wrath of the Titans, Pride & Prejudice, and Die Another Day. She exudes ice-queen class without coming off as actually cold. Her classic features resemble Grace’s and I am convinced she could play the Princess of Monaco.

2. Amy Adams. There is no doubt that Amy is a fantastic actress. She’s done biopic before (Julie & Julia) and has shown her dedication when it comes to throwing herself into character, especially in Enchanted and The Fighter. Picture Amy Adams without her signature red locks and instead with a cool, clean, swept-back blonde updo and Grace Kelly comes right out.

3. Charlize Theron. Charlize is another of Hollywood’s A-list actresses whose talent can take on this role. She also has the gorgeous, symmetrical face that Grace Kelly had, not to mention blonde hair and a tall thin physique. Charlize has the chops and the looks to play the famous Grace Kelly.

4. Diane Kruger. Diane Kruger became famous for playing the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Troy, in the movie Troy. She has since proven to be more than a pretty face with performances in Inglourious Basterds and Farewell, My Queen. Diane is Grace’s equivalent today when it comes to being a fashion icon and seeing her in Grace’s signature gowns would be amazing.

5. Naomi Watts. Naomi may not look exactly like Grace but she doesn’t look exactly like Marilyn Monroe either, yet her photos dressed as Marilyn for the movie Blonde (which may or may not be happening) come across very natural and her transformation into Princess Diana in the upcoming Diana is astounding. She is a another talented blonde actress who could potentially pull off Grace Kelly.

6. Doutzen Kroes. Doutzen only has one movie under her belt, the film Nova zembla , so I can’t speak of her acting chops just yet. However, if anyone has a face to match the beauty of Grace Kelly’s, it’s the stunning Kroes.