I can’t believe it! I’ve just found out that my lovely readers (you, yes you, thank you!!) have been nominating Cassiefairy.com on the Cosmo website throughout June and now I’ve had the amazing news that my little blog has been shortlisted in the Best Lifestyle Blog category for a Cosmopolitan Blog Award 2014 in association with Next. Shocked is an understatement!
Cosmopolitan is a magazine that I’ve been reading for over 20 years and now Cosmo has actually read MY blog! This is a big deal and I am SO chuffed, thrilled, delighted and am finding it hard to express how much this means to me. Trust me, it’s everything – and I owe you big time for nominating me!
Of course, I picked up my monthly copy of Cosmopolitan this week and the good news is that there’s a freebie on the front of the mag for all your thrifty beauty gals out there: There is a choice of cheek and lip tints by NEW CID in different colours and I picked up a copy with a free black mascara – fab!
Now the voting process begins to choose the winner in each category and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll keep voting for Cassiefairy.com until the vote closes on 29th August eek!
Here’s the link http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/blogs/cosmo-blog-awards-2014/cosmo-blog-awards-2014-shortlist and I would love it if you could please cast your vote and maybe choose CassieFairy? The Lifestyle Blog category is in section 6 so please persevere and leave votes for any of your favourite blogs in the other categories too!
Thank you all so much for getting me this far in the competition – I never ever thought that Cosmopolitan editors would read my work and now I have this massive opportunity to share my content! I’m terribly nervous and I am still in shock, but I can’t wait to see what the competition brings and share my progress with you all!