Cash Flow Mastery Seminar Review

By Ethel Merioles @kaxmerio

Having had some experience in investments and passive income, I may have somehow set high expectations on the recently concluded Cash Flow Mastery Seminar. Of course, setting expectations is normal, especially since I only based them on the information I read on the ad I included in an earlier blog post! I definitely felt that I was in for a treat at the seminar.

 Front of House

Janice Hung singing

At the venue

PROs The great thing about the seminar is that the event was able to pare down cash flow tactics for entrepreneurs down to the essentials (read: most basic). It made things easier for beginners to start their own business (through the help of brand marketing tips) and invest in financial instruments (through the help of Sun Life). CONs I can't help feeling it was all a marketing ruse to get people to support the speakers' businesses. In hindsight, it was a smart strategy, and some of the speakers are popular online and maybe worthy of my time. But being someone who is good friends with Google, I'd rather learn everything I need to know online! There was free lunch and coffee, but there were no gift certificates, workbooks and bonuses. Venue was not held in Makati either.   Rating: 2/5 Stars (I enjoyed the free food and drinks!)