
By Lil_white_whale @lil_white_whale

Okay so technically Caseable had a whole lot more to do with creating this iPhone cover than me, but I helped a little! They’re a Berlin & Brooklyn based company that creates handcrafted media cases from recycled materials (bonus!), so I was totally pumped when they offered me a chance to create a custom iPhone case of my very own. Who says no to that??

I made a simple pattern of colorful stripes in Photoshop and navigated my way through the Caseable design interface, which was very straightforward to use. The entire process pretty much consisted of uploading my image, stretching it to fit over the phone template as I saw fit, and then…waiting impatiently for my case to arrive. That’s it!

The verdict? I really love that the stripes wrap all the way around the edges, instead of just being slapped onto the back, and the matte finish has a nice subtle texture to it. I’ve been using it ever since I received it several weeks ago – the vibrant colors are just perfect for summer :-) Thank you, Caseable!

PS. If you’re not into making your own design, you can also peruse their collection of stylish iPhone cases here.