Carry the Load This Memorial Weekend

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

Carry the Load Walk will be held on Memorial Weekend, May 26-27. The idea is to do something positive, patriotic and challenging as a family.  Navy Seal Clint Bruce, co-founder of Carry the Load, has a simple message: Let's bring back the true meaning of Memorial Day. U.S. military veterans carry the memories of their buddies who never came home. It is very personal and very deep. And they want Americans to pause and acknowledge the loss.
The event begins at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 26 at Reverchon Park. Several thousand participants will walk up and down the Katie Trail for 20 hours and 13 minutes. It doesn't matter how far you go, just walk longer than you think you can. That can be one mile, 10 miles or more. Many of the military veterans who participate walk the entire 20 hours and 13 minutes.
Do you have someone in your family who has served in the military or who has served as police, firefighters or EMTs? You can walk in their honor or "carry" their memory. Hint: Walk as far as you can on Sunday evening, then come back Monday and walk the last leg at the event's emotional conclusion at noon. Registration is free. Participants raising $200 or more will receive a t-shirt, parking pass & 3 meal tickets for the day of the event.
For more information or to register, visit