Carrot Beetroot Soup for Babies

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

In most Indian homes, the preferred choice for a baby's first food is some kind of cereal, usually white rice. While grains are certainly a great first food, root vegetables come a close second. Root vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and beets. They're naturally sweet, easy to cook and puree and rarely cause allergies. They also make baby's food much more colorful!

When choosing root vegetables, go for ones that are firm and with blemish-free bright skin. Be sure to wash them properly before preparing them for baby. Today's recipe is a combination of two brightly colored vegetables - Carrot Beetroot Soup for Babies. This is a really healthy soup with a number of health benefits for growing babies.

Nutritional Benefits of Carrot Beetroot Soup

  • Carrots are rich in beta carotene which turns into Vitamin A in the body, an essential nutrient for good eyesight.
  • Carrots also help to strengthen the immune system, keeping babies safe from illnesses.
  • Beetroots are good in iron, which aids in brain development
  • Beets are rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K
  • Carrots and beets are rich in fiber, making for normal and soft bowel movements.


  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • 1 medium sized beetroot


1. Clean and peel the carrot and beetroot and cut into small cubes.

2. Steam both together in a pressure cooker. Allow 4 to 5 whistles as beetroot may take time to cook.

3. Once the cooked vegetables cool, you can either blend and strain or mash it and use your hands to squeeze out the liquid.

4. You can also add a pinch of jeera/cumin powder for seasoning. The soup can be warmed a little and then served.

If your baby's stool appears a little pink or reddish after eating this soup, don't get scared; it's just the beetroot!! Once your baby gets used to the flavor of this soup, you can try serving carrot puree or beetroot puree, or even a root vegetable mixed puree - try everything and see what your little foodie prefers the most!

Carrot Beet Soup for Babies

  1. Clean and peel the carrot and beetroot and cut into small cubes.
  2. Steam both together in a pressure cooker. Allow 4 to 5 whistles as beetroot may take time to cook.
  3. Once the cooked vegetables cool, you can either blend and strain or mash it and use your hands to squeeze out the liquid.
  4. You can also add a pinch of jeera/cumin powder for seasoning. The soup can be warmed a little and then served.

Lots of Love,

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