Carrie Preston Talks Arlene, the Daemon Baby and the Season Finale

Posted on the 10 September 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Now it’s Carrie Preston’s turn to talk about Season 4 and it’s finale episode, which airs this Sunday. Nothing gives Carrie more pleasure than making Arlene confront the very creatures she continues to avoid. Including sharing some thoughts about the season finale she also talks about which characters she hasn’t worked with yet, about being a “normal person” and about the huge cast of characters. The demonic status of Arlene’s baby was your main thrust this season, what did you think about the storyline?
Carrie Preston: It was fun. It was a challenge working with twins, but we got some great babies. At first, I wasn’t sure where they were going with it. All I knew is that the baby would be connected to Lafayette in some way, but I figured you can’t bring a baby into the show without doing something big with it, ya know? It’s not something that happens every day in the real world, but was just another day in Bon Temps [laughs].

Insider: How do you think witnessing the spirit of Mavis moving on will change Arlene?
Carrie: I always want Arlene to be more open-minded than the writers do, so I was happy to play a scene where I was in the presence of some sort of miracle, hoping it could maybe change Arlene in the future. But I think ultimately Arlene is, like a lot of people, someone who is afraid of what she doesn’t understand. I don’t know if she’s going to quite understand what went on there, but she can’t deny that experience. She’s finding her way in her own time. Even with Jessica in the bar, they found a way to work together.

Insider: There was a moment two episodes ago where Sam & Alcide met for the first time, which only proves how sprawling the cast is. Are there any characters you haven’t worked with, but hope to?
Carrie: Oh man, there are so many characters I’ve never had scenes with. I always thought it would be fun to see Arlene interact with some of the more supernatural characters – I think there’s interesting conflict that could happen there. Like Pam. I’d love if she came into Arlene’s world — they could talk about Chanel or nails! The audience never sees this, but Arlene always wears a fanny pack at work and one of the pens it says “I Do Nails.” So I think it would be amazing if Arlene gave Pam a manicure and just gabbed.

Insider: That said, there does seem to be an increasing cache in being a “normal person” on a supernatural show. Are you OK with remaining power-free?
Carrie: These supernatural creatures exist in a representation of some real world, so I think the human element is a really important one to maintain in the series. I am always in favor of Andy, Arlene, Terry and even Jason remaining in the world of the real. It helps to keep the audience grounded.

Insider: On that tip, Arlene & Andy’s heart-to-heart in last week’s episode was such a great, quiet moment.
Carrie: I was so happy about that scene. I realized, for our show, how truly subversive it was to have a scene with two adults, sitting across the table from one another, just talking. That does not happen on our show. There’s always some drama or romantic moment or creature that breaks in and diverts the attention. That didn’t happen. It was just a tender moment between two adults. Neither one of us had anything like that all season. We relished it.

Insider: This Sunday brings the season four finale, what can you tease?
Carrie: The finale has one of our biggest cliffhangers ever. Honestly, this show just gets crazier and crazier each season! This year, a dark shadow from Terry’s past will show its face. And the finale opens a door but I don’t know what’s beyond it. Bottom line, there’s never a moment where Arlene can relax. Just when you think everything is OK, something’s lurking around the corner – but that’s what is so great with our show.
