It's been a true joy to share the musical contributions, covers and collaborations of carpe carmina celebrates with you thus far. And we're not done yet....
Grasscutter put heart and soul into their cover of Kevin Morgan's demo 'I Already Knew'. The outcome is melodically bracing, perky and powerful - simply put, vivacious, thrilling rock'n'roll at its best.
What do Grasscutter have to say about carpe carmina and this milestone?
"It was an honor for us to be asked to be part of carpe carmina's birthday celebration. A blog which supports a wide range of unsigned bands from around the globe, spreading the word for new music with a unique brand of review style and lyrical content from the wonderful Nessi Holt, ... makes us wish we were smarter!"
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Let's hear a drum roll for Kevin Morgan performing 'Whiskey Blues' by fantastic rock foursome Grasscutter. It's a bluesy, ardent and vocally exciting take, what else can a listener ask for?!
Where has Kevin Morgan been when carpe carmina came into being?
Kevin Morgan rather allows songs to develop than rushing releases - the musician takes time to elaborate their structure and arrangement, hones their lyrical and vocal outline until he is satisfied with the overall impression and sound. Therefore it comes as no surprise that the powerful vocalist spent most of 2013 to focus on songwriting, whereas he performed several shows, supported by a full rock ensemble, in the US, prior to his writing and composing period. It's been early 2015 that Kevin Morgan - in collaboration with a group of instrumentalists and musicians - finally released his debut EP, available on soundcloud for now, that features 4 sassy and strong tracks he has recorded in 2014 at Mix Estudios in Mexico, including 'Crowdstopper' - a feisty, dynamic and sonorously commanding compostion the artist has written at the age of 16. At present, the keen composer promotes his music by playing live on radio and at music venues, he just recently premiered a new song from his upcoming album, called 'San Tropez'. carpe carmina secretely hopes the album release won't take so long this time, as the indie music world sure gonna profit from Morgan's passionate and vibrant rock swagger (when unleashed)!
What does Kevin Morgan have to say about carpe carmina and this milestone?
"Carpe Carmina is a strange blog, with strange music, for strange people who don't mind picking up a thesaurus every so often.. I highly recommend it." (and I thought only irish musicians (GRIM) are witty when commenting on my writing... )
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