Carpe Carmina Celebrates II (feat. Ali Ingle)

Posted on the 15 June 2021 by Vanessa Holthausen @NessiHolt

One of our favourite singer/songwriters joins carpe carmina celebrates once more (third time lucky it is indeed!) and contributes his compellingly catchy version of a song most of you probably have hummed or sung along to at some point in their lives already, some even might have chosen as a personal anthem of their (bygone) youth, of new paths ahead of them. So, here's an idea: why don't we all be fully in the moment, when hitting that play button, and start blithely dancing to its familiar and fascinating sound

Back when carpe carmina turned 7 years old ...

... fans of  chivalrous and classy folk-electronica epics were hold in blissfully tickling suspense after Ali Ingle had made a sparkling comeback with dreamy rhapsody 'Feelingz' and held regular entertainingly insightful panels about all things musical and museful with art amigo Daniel Pye. New songs, simmered for long and sonically spiced up by sous-chef Paul Aiden, were brewing and smelled like success; the odour of elegantly fanciful beats and glamorously buoyant melodic flair in the air was a foreboding of the whimsically electrifying, yearningly tender tonal extravaganza met in follow-up single 'grey sky blonde' and mastered on Ali's debut album to perfection which the lyrical magus dished up deliciously zestful in November last year. Featuring dynamically spicy, elaborate starters as well as reverently smashing, eloquent main courses on his record's menu, the poet has cooked up a glowingly blue neo-nostalgic paen for a generation of dreamers and musical gourmets. The ambrosial dessert missing then was just recently served in collaboration with director and editor Tania 'bornajeans' Bornacin when 'Adolescene in Bloom' came to visual fruitition in an enthrallingly colourful and delectably moving music video, tinged in dynamic italian aestethics and unburdened juvenile rapture.

Music well worth listening to ...

NessiHolt ·

... as Ali attends the topic of adolescent crisis and climax again in his prosaically peppy and hypnotically dazzling take on The The's triumphant tonal player 'This Is The Day'. Just like his very own tribute to hopeful, thriving days hereafter and glorifying, euphorically fulgent episodes of the past, 'Adolescence In Bloom', this golden and auroral track pursues dolce and nostalgically dapper, sumptuously elysian and nobly pulsing nuances, paints an adventure-filled and august sonic picture full of promise and playfully fading pomp.

Lets hear it from Ali Ingle ...

» Happy Birthday carpe carmina! And many happy returns. You always write my favourite reviews, Vanessa, and I feel like I've known you forever! Keep spreading music and wisdom. All the best. «

Reach out & listen to Ali Ingle on ...

.. twitter ..... facebook .... soundcloud ...Find Ali's latest releases on spotify and be on the inside of his creative cosmos by checking out his instagramWatch the marvellous music video for 'Adolescence in Bloom' herePurchase Ali's debut album 'Fox Muzak which has been discussed with the magnificent and moony muso in-depth on carpe carmina last year here