I'm at The Homeschool Village today, writing about some ideas that might help make life easier. As homeschoolers we have a lot to do each day, here are 10 Ways to Lighten the Load and maybe make the day go a bit more smoothly!
Henry from Why Homeschool shares some thoughts from his college age daughter with this post, The thing about homeschool is it never ends Linda Dobson presents 5 Free Ways to Improve Children's Educationat Parent at the Helm
Math is a blast at Let's Play Math, Denise shares about a HexaFlexa Party This Weekend! At Blogging 2 Learn, Denise shares a post on Great Tips from a Student Blogger - ways to make your blog better! Barb at Harmony Art Mom shares how they incorporate project learning into their lives with the post, Project-Learning in High School: Architecture Victoria share some great ideas for inexpensive costumes at Den School with a post titled Frugal Halloween Flashbacks Notes from a Homeschooled Mom shares the post If we would just let them learn Our Curious Home shares photos of her son using a microscope at the kitchen table with the post Just Don't Drink the Pond Water Sample Phyllis at Proclaiming God's Faithfulness presents Anyone Ready for Soup? - with a delightful potato soup recipe City Living and Physical Education is the topic at Liz's blog,Homeschooling in Buffalo Shirley Ann shares some homemaking and Autumn baking tips atUnder an English Sky with a blog post titled Autumn Baking Lisa from Homeschool Circus shares a post about "Fun Mom" in a blog post titled Death of Fun Mom Finally, we have Who's Horatius and Why Do I Care from Lisa atGolden Grasses - she discusses why it's important to memorize Thanks to all those who submitted a post! SPECIAL OFFER FOR Homeschool Circus SUBSCRIBERS through October 31: Use code LISAtips for a $19.99 discount when you buy any curriculum CD Library plus Spanish Empire library. This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com.