Carly Fiorina Said Twitter Has Been Around For “Several Years”

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

In tonight’s GOP debate, explaining how the world has changed, former HP CEO, Carly Fiorina said Twitter and Snapchat have been around “several years.”

3 Interesting Points About This Comment

  1. Twitter has been around since 2006, a year after she left HP.  If Twitter had existed just a year earlier someone could have Tweeted to HP’s board how little she was on top of tech trends.
  2. Based on her math, Obama has only been president for several years – so why are they giving him such a hard time when he’s fresh on the job?
  3. Fiorina joined Twitter, according to her verified account in August, 2009, six years ago.  Coincidentally that’s how long she took to ruin HP’s stock price as CEO.  But maybe it wasn’t because she wasn’t good at tech, but rather basic math.