Well, think again. And go straight to his website and buy the book (From D’burg to Jerusalem). It’s terrific.
Actually, it might be kind of depressing, because Strock presents a parade of stupidity, cupidity, injustice, scandal, hypocrisy, and all-around awfulness — but written with such drollery it’s a joy to read.
Take the Schenectady Police Department — please. In the film, The Place Beyond the Pines, those cops came off pretty badly. The reality was worse, as Strock details.
Strock hates injustice — especially when perpetrated by the justice system itself, again all too often. One target is family court, and child protective services (so-called).
And remember the nationwide witch-hunt some time back about child sex abuse? The “recovered memory” game? All bogus. In the famous McMartin day care case, none of the lurid allegations was true. None. Therapists and police investigators planted all that nonsense in the minds of suggestible young children. But there, and elsewhere, a lot of innocent people had their lives ruined.
One was Jack Carroll, a local case Strock also discusses. The case against him (abusing his step-daughter) was obviously garbage. But an egregious prosecutor, Patricia DeAngelis, got a jury to convict him. When that was overturned on appeal, DeAngelis prosecuted Carroll on new charges, resulting in an even longer prison term.
Similarly disgraceful was the “terrorism” convictions of two local Muslims, Aref and Hossain, which I’ve previously mentioned. Carl does a great job showing how wrong this was.
He also takes on religion. He doesn’t think the idea that non-Christians will (should) burn in Hell reflects “Christian love.” After mercilessly exposing creationist bunk, he got challenged to a public debate on that topic.
But Strock’s book is full of useful facts. Like the Bible instructing (Deuteronomy 13:6-10) that you should kill someone
Then there was our very own local divine, Kateri, who died in 1680 but supposedly miraculously healed a child’s flesh-eating bacterial infection in 2006, thus qualifying her for sainthood.
Throughout, Strock never quailed from naming names. Many are covered with shame. Strock (unlike me!) was never sued for libel. But still, one wonders, how did he get away with it all? Well, in the end, he didn’t:
Strock wrote about his visit to Israel; going with no preconceptions, as a tourist, he was surprised by what he observed. I’ll put it this way: Israel’s relations with the Arabs under its jurisdiction don’t do it proud. Perhaps Carl was (as usual) a bit indelicate (OK, insulting) in some portrayals. But his characterizations of Israeli/Palestinian realities were basically honest reporting. Yet Carl got labeled anti-semitic — a false accusation far more incendiary than anything Carl said about Israel and Jews. It got so bad he was even connected to the stupid “death ray plot” I’ve written about. Anyhow, it seems odd that after all Carl’s remorseless lampooning of Christianity, it was umbrage in Jewish quarters that ultimately ended his career. He wasn’t actually fired, but put in a doghouse so incommodious he felt obliged to quit.
The final lesson? America is not perfect. But a country where a Carl Strock could do what he did for 25 years, at least, is a pretty great country.