Care Homes News Digest | Care Home News Feb 2018

By Steve Bradley

As we move into the last month of the first quarter of 2018, a week that has had unprecedented bad weather in the UK, it is time once again to look at articles from around the care sector with a focus on the NHS.  We also look at specific topics relating to health, highlighted by several MPs and an article on why research for dementia should focus on the kinds of care offered patients as well as any cure. Welcome to Care Home News Feb 2018 edition.

“Become someone’s best friend” social care worker drive by Worcestershire County Council

The Redditch Standard on the 12th February reported on a recruitment drive aimed to help support discharged patients maintain their independence as long as possible.

Patients previously after release from hospital, would be relocated to care homes to receive the care necessary to address any needs.  However, the new scheme is looking to set up a care scheme that enables patients to return home with the support of 20 new social care workers.

If you live in the Worcestershire area, are interested in flexible working hours and wish to help improve the lives of those in the locality, then please visit the press release found here – Social Care Workers needed in Worcestershire

New tax recommended by Health care leaders to help fund NHS and social Care | Care home news Feb 2018

iNews covered a report endorsed by a number of health leaders that suggests implementing a new tax to replace National Insurance.  The panel of leaders including former heads of Royal College of GPs, the Patients Association and the Royal College of Nursing, concluded that NHS England requires a “real terms” funding increase of £4bn in 2018/2019, with subsequent increases of £2.5bn for two years after that.

The report “Health and Social Care: Delivering a Secure Funding Future” commissioned by the Liberal Democrats also suggests reinstating the cap on the costs of adult social care.  Read the full article by Paul Gallagher here.

Government statement on medicines and medical devices safety review | Care home news Feb 2018

In February 2018, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (Mr Jeremy Hunt) delivered his statement to the House of Commons on a medicines and medical devices safety review.  The statement addressed Primodos (a hormone-based pregnancy test), Sodium Valproate (an anti-epilepsy drug) and vaginal mesh implants.

The full transcript of the statement and MP responses can be found here – Medicines and Medical Devices safety review.

Study Care as well as a cure – Dementia Research | Care home news Feb 2018

On 19th February, Doug Brown, chief policy and research officer at the Alzheimer’s Society had an article published in The Guardian relating to the need to focus on Dementia care as well as its cure in the UK.  In it, he suggests that due to a gap in Social care funding and rise to nearly one million individual sufferers by 2021, Dementia is set to be the 21st century’s biggest killer.

A key element of the article discusses the roadmap for research needed in the field and input from various bodies that include Public Health England, the Department of Health, the National Institute for Health Research as well as academics from 11 universities.

To read more on Mr Brown’s analysis, please take a look here – Dementia research must study care as well as cure

The UK Over 40’s face more National Insurance each year for the so-called “Dementia Tax.”

Millions of British workers over the age of 40 face paying hundreds of pounds more National Insurance in plans MP Damian Green describes as a “dementia tax” if a Conservative proposal goes ahead.  Nicole Stinson’s article in the online version of the Express newspaper covers an interview the Mr Green had with another newspaper on plans that could see someone on a salary of £27,600 per year pay an additional £364.

The article which discussed Mr Greens own experience with a family member suffering from the illness highlights the fact that more people are going to live to 100 and that the government should plan for it.

To read the article in full please go here.


At Online Care Courses, we offer dementia related courses as well as elderly patient care courses.  Part of a wider programme aimed at Care workers and Care Providers, we specialise in health and social care online training.