Caramel Delight

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

Happy October!

Are you getting ready for Halloween? Enjoying cooler weather? My ode to Fall is a wonderful caramel sauce from the September issue of Southern Living Magazine. Great to dip apples in or drizzle on ice cream or be really decadent and put a spoonful in your steel cut oats for breakfast.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility if you eat it all without sharing -grins

Easy Caramel Sauce

Bring 1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
and 2 tsp. lemon juice to a boil in a heavy saucepan over medium high heat. Boil 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cover and boil 1 minute.

Remove lid. Boil, gently swirling often to check the color and temp about 4 minutes or until mixture is medium to dark amber. See the image for color. Note: on my solid surface cooktop it took about 15-20 minutes before it was done. My picture above is stopping the sauce at the medium color. I’ve also made it at the dark amber color and it’s fantastic.

Gradually whisky in 1 cup heavy cream. Cook, whisking constantly over low heat 1 minute or until smooth. Remove from heat, stir in 2 tsp. vanilla extract and a pinch of sea salt.

Transfer to serving bowl and chill. Keep covered in refrigerator up to a week (if it lasts that long).


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