Car Design Mini Portfolios: Mistakes to Avoid.

Posted on the 27 February 2011 by Luciano
Dear friends,
recently I received by email a new small mini portfolio in Pdf format from a young design student asking me for some tips and advices. As usually I do I went through it with attention, it was made of 17 pages with sketches and color rendered illustrations of final chosen designs.
At a first glance it looked like something put together with a certain reasonment and order, a sketching research step for each design proposal and also some color illustrations for the final chosen design with nice prospectives and dramatic color choices.
 Mistakes I have noticed
The reason why I decided to publish Lucian Nicolae Acatrineis's projects presentations is because to me they are a very good and professional example to follow in order to make a very good mini car design portfolio.
The mini book I received by email was not like those great drawings presentations, it was rather focused on interesting rendering techniques and...keep on reading clicking: Mini portfolios