Captivating Caribbean – Aruba in Pictures and Top Tips

By Raghavmodi @raghavmodi
A family vacation; A cruise half way around the world; One of the severest winters seen by Europe; The warm Caribbean weather living up to its name; Captivating Caribbean is where I will be covering the stops we made in this 14-day cruise with some photographs and the occasional tips to make your cruise day stop worthwhile. 
“Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go”

You say Aruba, and I can’t help but think of Kokomo, that classic song by the Beach Boys. When I think of Kokomo, I can’t but help think of Cocktails, the movie, because like everything in life I link events to films. When I think of Cocktails I can’t but help think of Elisabeth Shue under the waterfall... ahem! Never mind, getting back to the travel post now;
So, what would you do if on your cruise you had one whole day to spend in Aruba? If you are of sane mind, and you most probably are if you are reading my blog, you will take a beach towel, head to the nearest beach, which is most likely going to be gorgeous, and plant your backside on a lounge only getting up to go into the water. That’s what we did and trust me all you want to do in Aruba is be at the beach because that’s where life happens.

When choosing a beach, if you want to head over to the most popular one then go to Palm Beach which by far is the prettiest one with hotels lining the seaside, yet it did not seem over-crowded. It’s also usually buzzing with a lot of activity due to the availability of a number of water sports.
Palm Beach has some great options when it comes to water sports, if that if your adventure; from banana boat rides to parasailing, you have it all and feel free to bargain a little because we managed to get a good deal just because one of the attendants working on the stand was of Indian origin.   
Okay, so Aruba’s isn’t without some other pleasures, especially when it comes to retail therapy, which could be enjoyed if you plan a longer trip, and you should if you get a chance. There are big luxurious hotels and branded shops catering to the rich and famous those frequent this tiny island that forms a part of the Netherland Antilles.   
I am aware I haven’t done justice to Aruba by limiting it just to a beach destination but in all honesty if you are heading there, the beach should be on your priority list, and here’s some proof why;