By Magneto
The main reason the US economy has ground to an absolute halt over the past 15 years is because the capitalist class, the employers who hire people for jobs, are looking to pay people the least amount they can pay them and get away with it. Heaven forbid, if we didn’t have minimum wage laws, they would pay people even less than that. But you can’t live on a minimum wage.
As a freelancer I deal with this shit every day. I find people who expect me to work for less than minimum wage, and I always reply to them with a message that basically goes along the lines of “What the fuck is wrong with you?” In a system of capitalism, everyone simply wants to pay others the least amount they can pay them and get away with it. What happens is that the economy grinds to a halt because employees don’t have enough money to even survive and pay rent, what to speak of purchasing products, so the companies who are employing them also start to go slowly out of business since there is no one to buy their products except for the ultra-rich.
This has also led to the destruction of the middle class, which was basically the backbone of American society for so many decades. Then during the late 80’s and the early 90’s, you had politicians making it legal to outsource and ship jobs overseas. As a result, tens of millions of American jobs were shipped overseas so that the CEO of the company could make even more profit for himself. CEO’s decided that they would rather hire people in Mexico to do the same job that Americans do but pay them only 1 dollar per hour. Well, when enough corporations did that, and thus caused tens of millions of Americans to become unemployed, it obviously had the effect of destroying the economy. If you aren’t paying Americans a living wage, then who is going to buy your overpriced products?
This is what happens when you destroy a country’s sense of community. Instead of wanting to do what is best for your country and put your own countrymen first, instead you would rather just make as much money as possible by hiring people at the lowest possible wages. Any corporation that outsources it’s jobs and factories needs to be punished with massive import taxes. You want to build your products in Mexico? Fine, but you will pay a huge import tax as a result.
Some people are estimating that 40 percent of America’s workforce will consist of freelance labor by the year 2025. It will be impossible for such people to survive under today’s system of capitalism. What some European countries are beginning to do is to pay people a basic guaranteed income. Some people will object and say, “How can we afford to do that?” Well we can afford to spend trillions of dollars on war and building weapons, but we can’t afford to spend a few billion to guarantee that everyone has a minimum living wage? And that living wage will go right back into the economy because people will start spending money again.
Of course, all of this will have to be coupled with a strong sense of nationalism and community. Allowing unrestricted immigration will utterly destroy such a system because you’ll have people from 3rd World countries doing everything they can to invade America simply so they can also get “free shit”.
Let’s look at the example of Indians. Indians are an extremely cheap race of people and their businessmen are truly the embodiment of the capitalist employer class. As more and more Indians take over the US economy, they will destroy the economy even more. They will expect White Americans to work for slave wages – the same wages they would pay Indians back in India. As a Western person who has extensive experience with Indians, I can tell you that socialism would never work in an Indian society because Indians are perhaps the greediest and most selfish race of people on this planet.
So before a true system of socialism can be implemented, it requires that White Western countries develop a very strong sense of nationalism and community again. White nationalism is the main stepping block on the road to true socialism, but unfortunately during the past few decades it has become extremely politically incorrect to talk about nationalism, racism, etc. The light at the end of the tunnel is Generation Z, which is the generation of people born after the year 2000. I’ve spoken to many of them, and they are the most red-pilled generation to ever exist. They inherently understand concepts like race realism, anti-feminism, multiculturalism, etc.
Right now Generation Z is going through their typical teenage years and spend most of their time posting memes on 4chan and Instagram, playing Playstation 4 and video games, and just living the normal life of a teenager, and yet they are already so red-pilled. Imagine what will happen once they reach adulthood and face all of these issues? They will begin to implement solutions which appear to us as extremely radical. Generation Z thinks outside of the box, and they don’t give a fuck about Political Correctness. Therefore, even though the present generations have basically been completely ruined by capitalism, at least there is hope for the future.
If you have been offered a job that pays you LESS than minimum wage, then report the person offering that job to the US Department of Labor here.