The answer to Tuesday's Trivia Question: Charlie Hunnum was in Undeclared WAY before he became Jax Teller!
FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, Sean Peters, Brett Blattman, Monica Caraffa, & Mike O'Dea Honorable Mention: Sean ReardonSunday's Cable Top 5
Monday's Broadcast Top 5 Under the Dome-CBS 2.7/10.5 The Bachelorette-ABC 1.9/6.8 American Ninja Warrior-NBC 1.6/5.0 Get Out Alive-NBC 1.4/4.1 2 Broke Girls-CBS 1.3/4.8
Monday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 The Bachelorette-ABC 137,162 Under the Dome-CBS 46,549 How I Met Your Mother-CBS 38,153 Get Out Alive-NBC 32,584 Mistresses-ABC 26,391
Monday's Cable Top 5 NA Monday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 Teen Wolf-MTV 457,249 Love & Hip Hop:Atlanta-VH1 397,508 WWE Monday Night Raw-USA 285,172 The Fosters-ABC Family 46,690 Hit the Floor-VH1 36,416
Property Envy
I only watched the premiere of Property Envy on Bravo last night. To be honest, I got a little obsessed with Candy Crush and finally made it past level 79 so I wasn't ready to focus in on stuff until later in the evening. I tuned in to Property Envy because of my love and loyalty for Jeff Lewis. I also was happy to have Mary McDonald from Million Dollar Decorators back in my life . I had no idea who idea who Brandie Malay was, but she seemed to know her real estate pretty well. The show is hosted by a British guy named Stephen Collins, not to be confused with Stephen Collins from 7th Heaven. This Stephen is cuter, funnier and seemed to have quite the crush on Jeff, but who wouldn't? Stephen introduces a crazy home, provides information, comps and specs and the panel has to guess how much the property would sell for. They also debate the good, the bad and the ugly about the property. The star of the show is of course Jeff Lewis. Jeff's talented, hilarious and loves to bust Brandie's b*lls. I love him, he can do no wrong.
-Wow...didn't see it coming, but it makes sense doesn't it? Elisabeth Hasselback is leaving The View and heading over to FOX and Friends. Elisabeth's been on The View for 10 years which is hard to believe. She's been the most conservative of the bunch so she'll fit in nicely over their at FOX News. Congrats and Good Luck Elisabeth. So basically let's review. Barbara's leaving, Joy's leaving and now Elisabeth too. So it's just Whoopi and Sheri now right?
-This blog is DEFINITELY not a gossip blog, but I am a huge Kevin and Dani Jonas fan and have watched every episode of Married to Jonas. So you can only imagine how excited we all are about the news that Dani is finally pregnant. I don't know who received more pressure to procreate, Kate Middleton or Danielle Jonas. I'm glad they were both able to come through for us all. While there will most likely NEVER be a Married to Windsor reality show, I'm hoping the Jonas's sign on with E! through Dani's delivery. Maybe a kid will get Dani to show some emotion for a change. Congrats guys!
-Anyone not on the Mistresses bandwagon who wants to be, can now get the entire season to date online at and on the Watch ABC App. Starting today through 7/22 you can watch for free. Not sure who out there is desperate and needs to see this one, I was a bit disappointed with it, but if you're considering's the time! FREE!
-More free content! More free content! CBS is making all 22 episodes of Unforgettable available now on and on the CBS App. The new season premieres on Sunday 7/28. This is one of those detective shows I don't watch, but I have heard great things about it if it's your genre of choice. It's slim pickins right now, you may want to check one of these two out.
-I don't watch Californication, mainly because I can't stand David Duchovny, but I love Rob Lowe and I know he was in a bunch of episodes so I did consider just watching the ones he was in but I never got around to it. Rob's heading back to the show next season as a guest star. Maybe if I remember, I'll TiVO it and fast forward to the Rob parts.
-Didn't Meredith Viera leave a few of her shows because she wanted to spend more time at home with her family? Her family must get on her nerves pretty fast...she's been back quite a few times since and in various time periods. Pretty sure the only time slot she hasn't been in officially is late night at this point. Meredith's coming back to daytime with her own talk show because WE REALLY NEED another talk show! NBC will debut the show in the Fall of 2014. Good Luck Meredith, a few have tried and haven't done too well...lets see if you can hit it out of the park.
Wednesday's Trivia Question: Name the actor from Jack & Bobby who now stars in Mad Men. WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme