
By Alka Narula @narulaalka

Candles have been a part of our culture for many years .Candle burning is part of our day to day life and many of us don't even realize how much.  In our day to day life candles are lit at church, lit at  funerals and always lit at the top of our birthday cakes that we blow out each and every year.  Candle colours to have their own significance which I shall deal with in my following post . "Candle Color Believers"  usually burn candles along with other forms of beliefs  and for  many of us candle burning is a religious belief for others it is a form of therapy , for some a part of healing and for me  one of the passions  and are necessary element to enhance  the interiors . Few candles ( along with the link to source ) that may tempt you to elaborate your collection..... 

                                                        Image courtesy Fab