
By Namalsiddiqui @namalsiddiqui
I write this for everyone whose lives have been touched by Cancer. I write this for my Daadi and my Manjley Abbu. I write this for a beautiful woman I know. I write this for the people, for the lovers, for the families, for the children,  for the young girl who smiles at the world from above, for the days, hours and moments that have changed our lives, for youth, for old age. And most of all, for courage and strength to get by.
You come in creeping,
Like a thief stealing
The most valuable possession
Flesh and bone, mind and soul
You play hide and seek
Like rays of golden hope
And streaks of red strength
At the brink of dawn.
And sometimes,
On weakness you feed
When the mind is numb
And the body meek
Clouds of endless black
Reveal an eternal dusk.
And in the midst of yearning,
Tears, pain and struggling
Clenched hands and prayers
And everything that is left unsaid
We become who we are
We leave behind what we would become
A dazzling star, a spotless sun
And in this becoming,
There is beauty, there is love.
There is peace.
  I am not terrified
I am not hastening
For time, for its impermanence
I am fighting. I am living.
I am fighting to live.
- Namal