Canadian Woman, 81, Has “Don’t Euthanize Me” Tattoo on Her Shoulder

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Last December, Quebec became the first jurisdiction in Canada to allow “competent” adults experiencing “intolerable suffering” at the end of life to request “medical aid in dying,” aka physician-assisted suicide, aka euthanasia.

In June of 2016, the Canadian Parliament legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide for all Canadians. Doctors, who had sworn the Hippocratic Oath of “First, do no harm,” now can administer lethal injections to mentally fit patients suffering an incurable illness who are in constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain, or in an advanced state of irreversible decline. 

But Christine Nagel, 81, with no confidence in the medical system, had “Don’t euthanize me” tattooed on her shoulders to let medical practitioners know her wishes.

Below is her essay in Mercator Net, Sept. 15, 2016:

For years, I warned my children to steer clear of tattoo parlors, and now at 81 years old, I have had to resort to one myself.

Bill C-14 makes it legal for us to play God and to make decisions over life and death ourselves. Assisted suicide is promoted as the most dignified way to treat an aging population–humanely, painlessly and without the need for suffering. Financially, it will become the salvation to our overburdened health care systems.

Our Government and Supreme Court do not of course mention anything about money, but they do warn us that within a few years, seniors will outnumber the rest of the population and will need an army of caregivers to cope with them. That will be costly. Inevitably, euthanasia will become a more “socially acceptable” way to solve this problem, than for example Hitler’s “Final Solution”.

Obviously, none of this is acceptable to us Christians. We look to Christ on the cross, stripped of his garments, writhing in agony, and covered in blood–hardly a dignified image of God’s son.

Yet the meaning of this is central to our faith. Suffering is vital to life and to our growth. What occurs at the end of my life is between God and me. Let no one else dare to interfere.

So to understand this message clearly, read my shoulder!

Christine Nagel
Calgary, Alberta

See also:

  • Canadian doctors to get euthanasia kits
  • Canada’s Supreme Court legalizes bestiality
  • Euthanasia on the rise in America due to lucrative organ-harvesting
  • California’s culture of death: 2 in 3 voters favor euthanasia
  • California legalizes euthanasia
  • Up to 650 babies euthanized every year in Holland
  • Child sex abuse victim in 20s euthanised after suffering irreparable PTSD
  • Belgium’s culture of death: Doctor Kills Depressed Woman in Euthanasia, Doesn’t Tell Family Until Next Day
  • Belgium’s culture of death: Woman, 24, granted right to die by euthanasia over suicidal thoughts: ‘Life, that’s not for me’
  • Why two best friends, 40, with non-life threatening diseases want to take their own lives after being inspired by euthanasia talk
