Canadian, Eh?

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
My Trainer:
This blogs serves as 2 in 1. Tara had a tough workout schedule this week, training Wed/Thurs/Fri and I'm not capable of keeping up with that kind of blogging schedule I have come to realize. If at all possible, I try not to workout with clients (or myself) three days in a row because of CNS recovery, but this was our only option to get 3 workouts in this week and that's what's important. it's so easy to make excuses why you shouldn't workout, or maybe take a day off (it's only an hour right ?), but when a member makes a commitment to become a client, the Trainers first job is to get them through the doors as often as they said they would.As Personal Trainers at GoodLife, we take a lot of pride in our prescription process and our ability to hold clients accountable to their goals.I've seen really good Trainers be reduced to what I call expensive workout buddies, training 1-2x/week (you just can't get results - I don't care who you are), and I've seen brand new Trainers become great by getting their client in often enough first, covering the basics (primal movements) and developing their skill set along with the clients. Moral to the story = good job Tara for sucking it up and pushing hard all 3 days.
 She continued her 6-12-25 strength endurance work all three days and actually really surprised me with her ability to keep up with the program.Admittedly, I allowed for a sub-par warm up yesterday because I didn't want to lose any time on the workout, but we paid for it in the first series of sets.She started back on her elbow extensors, but by the time we reached our incline pushups, I could tell she wasn't having very much fun and was getting frustrated.However, there's something important to know about Tara for those who don't know her; her mood is very much influenced by the current song playing in the gym. I couldn't tell you what song it was, but it saved my ass at just the right time because she snapped into work mode immediately. It was all good news from there.She pushed herself, did great, and we scheduled out what we could before she leaves for Halifax next week.I see her on Tuesday morning (on time) and will depend on her a lot to take care of herself over the time she's gone.
P.S. Tara's birthday is tomorrow (July 1st). HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA!!!!!
In a strange twist of events, Kyle blogged first and I admit it's hard for me not to edit what he writes. But I promise I only correct his punctuation.
I mentioned in my last post that we were working out back to back three days in a row and by the time our workout was finished on Friday, I was finished. Like done.  We have been doing these annyoyingly intense workouts all week, which Kyle promises are going to help my gain strength, build endurance and actually run faster so I can crush my goal of 2 hours in the Army Run half Marathon on September 23 (which is now sold out!).
These workouts are all mental...and I am not the most mentally tough person I know. When you are doing 25 reps of anything, it's a lot. Kyle is great at coaching, motivating and encourage me to get the work done, but ultimately it's me that does it or doesn't do it. I like to break everything downin my head. So for example, if I am doing 12 reps of something I break it into three mini sets of 4. For the exercises we do 25 reps of I break them into the mini sets of 5 and then countdown from 10. I don't stop during these mini sets, it's just a little mental game I play with myself. The smaller numbers seem to make the set go quick and I am not focussing on the big bad end number.
This morning I woke up on my own and went for a run.  I only had about half an hour, so I decided to stick to intervals today. I did a little research online and found a crossfit run that I thought I might enjoy (aka hate).
Warm up: 3 minutes of walkingWorkout: Sprint 200 meters, Walk 200 meters, 10 roundsCooldown: 2 minutes of walking
I assure you, I was nice and sweaty after this! There is something exhilarating about running sprints. It's quick and dirty and over before you know it. You can just feel yourself getting faster.
On a personal note, I celebrated Pride week last night in Toronto. For those of you who have never attended a Pride Festival wherever you live, it should be on your bucket list of things to do. It's really a lot of fun. Like a LOT. I attended the parade for the first time last year and I am not going to be in town this year, but we at least wanted to make an appearance. So we appeared! If I could sum up last night with one word it would be: Glitter.

Pride Toronto. 2012.

Even Grando had a good time.

I am heading out of town for a few days and then off to Halifax for the week, so I will do my best to stay in touch. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend (long weekend to my fellow Canadians). Did you know Canada is turning 145 years old tomorrow? Makes me feel kinda young at 32.
Cheers & Happy Reading,
My Trainer + Me
P.S. I am watching US Mens Olympic qualifying gymnastics on NBC. I love, love love gymnastics. It's probably my favorite part of the summer Olympics. The countdown to the start of the Olympics is one of the three countdowns I have doing on right now...27 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes 22 seconds.
P.P.S. Despite the fact I am watching US you guys remember this commercial? I feel it's appropriate to include this youtube clip in this post, as it is Canada Day tomorrow! Now I am off to eat a poutine, use a serviette, play hockey, wear a toque, drink beer, eat maple syrup, enjoy my free health care, say 'zed' instead of 'zee', have a postal code and a prime minister and be really nice and polite to people.