Can You Have a Society Where Every Man Is An Alpha Male?

Posted on the 19 May 2014 by Calvinthedog

Steve writes:

So if everyone learns better game, will things even out or will women only ever f*ck men they deem more attractive than themselves?

It is a good question and one I have thought of a lot. Can you have a society where all of the men are Alpha males? What would that look like? The Arab World? But how sex would they all be having with how many women.

I sort of think that just as everyone can’t come in first in a race and win the race, the numbers of Alpha types in any society is probably stuck at ~15%. I know that in high school, I used to say that 10% of the guys were getting 90% of the girls. And I saw a recent anecdote about people aged 27-33 in law school, and once again, 15% of the guys were monopolizing most of the best single women.