Can You Be ID’d Solely by Your Driving Style? Your Car Says Yes.

Posted on the 03 June 2016 by Easytracgps @EasyTracGPS

THE WAY YOU drive is surprisingly unique. And in an era when automobiles have become data-harvesting, multi-ton mobile computers, the data collected by your car-or one you rent or borrow-can probably identify you based on that driving style after as little as a few minutes behind the wheel.

In a study they plan to present at the Privacy Enhancing Technology Symposium in Germany this July, a group of researchers from the University of Washington and the University of California at San Diego found that they could "fingerprint" drivers based only on data they collected from internal computer network of the vehicle their test subjects were driving, what's known as a car's CAN bus.

Read the full story right here... Wow, this is some amazingly accurate driver detection technology! Just goes to show that, in the digital world that we live in, you never really know what's going on behind the scenes. The article makes some good points about right to privacy concerns and a basic "need-to-know."

About the author

Since 2004, Chicago based EasyTracGPS has been the global leader in delivering cutting-edge GPS tracking solutions that continue to make the world a smaller place.