Can Women Ever Win Even When It Comes To Their Very Own Body?

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn
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Every little girl/lady/woman has at least once in her life been told of appearing too sexy or that her outfit is too revealing. As a young millennial woman who also happen to be a yoga teacher/student, there were moment people will tell me that a specific pose is to provocative,my yoga outfits are too revealing.
Women are always being accused of wearing too much or too little clothing depending on the geographical and cultural perspective.
The justification is always along the line of  "you are making men think of sex with that skirt of yours", "you are being too sexy in that pose/dress or exercise", "your scarf/turban/hijab is an accessory of terror", "you are asking for it by showing too much cleavage, legs, back and feel free to insert any body part possible here", "you are such a prude".
I think we all get the picture and if most of us are being honest, we have all being "here".
So, have we ever stop and question why we blatantly allow this to continue? Why should it be the woman's fault, that some sleazy guy will harass her either verbally or otherwise?
Why are we raising our girls as victims of their very own nature?
Why do we diminish the uniqueness of the woman' body ? Instead of teaching human respect irrespective of gender and some self discipline, why are we devaluing our ladies.
I know these are questions you might not be able to give my a solid answer to, but what advice will you give your children or even your younger self about female body image and value?
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May we all work towards a better world we our uniqueness will be celebrated and not make us a target of violence. This should be our only response to all the violence, not fear or hatred.
Help share this post for all the women in our lives.
Photography by Mr P.O