Can’t We Just….?

By Outreachnerd @CindyMarieJ

I hear it a lot.

After I detail the work needed to accomplish a client’s goal, whether that be attendees at an event, audience at a show, Facebook Likes, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers…..

“That seems like an awful lot of work.”

Then I hold in a sigh and brace myself for the inevitable question:

“Can’t We Just…..”

  • Blast to our email list?
  • Post it on Facebook?
  • Put out a bunch of tweets?
  • Offer free tickets?
  • Throw out a Facebook Ad?
  • Ask people to Retweet?…….

My answer is always the same.If you want the same results, then by all means, keep doing the same things.

However, you hired me so that you, and your business, could accomplish more. You know you need more.

The truth is…..

Right now, we are marketed to all the time. Day and night. What used to be interruption marketing is now simply our existence.

Blasts, tweets, status updates….they all serve a purpose. The main thing to remember now is that relationships matter. The personal touch matters. Making your audience feel as though they matter to you and are not just a number, not just a sale.

I know it sounds like a lot of work. That’s because it is.

Audience/customer development is a lot of work.

Just getting people’s attention is a lot of work.

You must invite people to the party. Invite them as an individual, and have reasons why that person would like what you offer, not why just anyone who follows you on Instagram should buy it. Then you convince them to stay, and keep them interested.

It’s work. Consistent work.

The same old blasts won’t do the job.

It takes time to find and nurture new customers, and even more time and care to make them feel like more than just a sale, and get them to feel part of a community where they are wanted and valued for more than their checkbook.

So the next time you feel the words “Can’t we just….” about to come out of your mouth, please stop and consider whether what you are about to suggest is exactly what hasn’t been working, exactly the reasons why you felt you needed my – or someone else’s – help.

Then let’s talk.