Can Fit Pro Recap+Analysis

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
I could write for hours about my weekend. Unfortunately I am too sore, tired etc. I do want to share some of the highlights because there were many.
The job I have allows me to travel across Canada meeting new people all the time. The best part of Can Fit Pro in Toronto is that I get to reconnect with so many wonderful people for 3 full days!
The one thing that I didn’t do this year was take very many photos. I am usually a shutterbug this weekend, for some reason this year I barely took any pictures. It was important for me to see people from some of my favorite people. And I did!
Just to recap for those of you who didn’t know, I was attending CanFitPro this weekend in Toronto. It is one of the largest fitness conferences in the world and definitely the most fun! The one person I did not see all weekend was my trainer. How funny is that? The good news is that I see him lots of other times. I am sure he had a fun weekend. We were supposed to go to a session together this morning on paleo nutrition, but it was at 7:30am this morning and I had gone out the night before to my company’s annual awards gala (Eric was a finalist for General Manager of the year). Anyways, I will cut to the chase regarding my highlights.

Opening Ceremonies with Simon & Tosca. I feel as though I am on a first name basis with these two!

The inspiring Simon Whitfield (Canadian tri-athlete) was the keynote speaker at the Opening Ceremonies. He spoke from his heart about his training, his family, his ego and his humbling experience at the London Summer Olympics. He spoke about how you need to approach training (and life in general) in spacious ways, and think outside the box to achieve great things. Get After It.  The ever so awesome Tosca Reno accepted a Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of her late husband Bob Kennedy. I find it incredible how someone can go through something as tragic as the loss of a spouse, yet still smile through the pain and  continue to find the strength to inspire so many. That is true strength and passion.I attended an incredible session on Friday called Change Anything. It’s based on the book Change Anything. This is an absolute must read for anyone and everyone. It’s about learning to apply the actual science behind change to actually make lasting changes, whether it is to lose weight, earn a promotion or increase productivity and not just rely (or blame) on willpower. Deep stuff here. In all honestly, this is such a great read for anyone and everyone.

I command you to read this book.

On Saturday I attending LMI Day. You may not know this about me, but I am a certified group exercise instructor. I teach Les Mills International classes called BodyPump & BodyStep. GoodLife has the exclusive rights to these programs in Canada, which means if you want to do BodyPump you need to check out your closest GoodLife. However Glen Ostergard mentioned at the instructor learning module that 1.5 million people take BodyPump EVERY WEEK across the world. Incredible.I snuck out of LMI day to attend a yoga class with the co-founder of Moksha Yoga Ted Grand. That was a whole other ball game. I went from the huge adrenaline rush of taking a BodyPump class with 750 other instructors to chilling in a room with Ted Grand and about 100 other pretty hardcore yogi’s. I am a pretty sure I learned more in one hour with Ted than in all of the other yoga classes I have ever done-combined. Now please do not interpret this as an insult to all of the other yoga instructors, but simply praise of Ted’s knowledge. I am pretty sure I would like to like to be serious friends with him. Like best friends at least.
This post is already becoming pretty lengthy, so in order to keep your interest, I will share just a few of the pics from my weekend.
I was able to get to the gym as well. I wanted to do deadlifts so I did a quick CrossFit WOD:
5 rounds for time:
400m run
10 Deadlifts (185, 125)
10 Wall Balls (20, 16)
I was at the gym with a co-worker and we finished off our workout with 3 minutes of planks. I have made the mistake in past years of not exercising during CanFitPro weekend because I am too busy running around to sessions, the trade show and well let’s face it, partying. I ate well and fit in my a few workouts as well.

Just a couple of co-workers. Aren't we lovely?

This is what exercising with 700+ people looks like!!!

There was a live CrossFit competition at the trade show! It was unreal.

This blog post wouldn't be complete without giving a shout out to the peeps that I saw over the weekend that commented on how much they are enjoying my blog. It definitely means a lot to know that my peers are taking the time to read my thoughts! So muah, muah, muah! xo

I will leave you with the best piece of advice I got all weekend. Turn your accomplices into friends. Find out who is hindering you from making a change or succeeding with a change and find a way to make them helpers. When you fail to change, it is not always all your fault. There are other factors out there that influence you, even without you knowing it. Your friends or accomplices is one of them!
Happy Reading,Me+P.S. Tosca Reno follows me on Twitter now. Just sayin'...