Water chestnuts are a vegetable grows in the Asia and Africa in marsh places. Most of the people think it is a type of nut or fruit due to its name. Most of the people used it as cooked food. It is healthy and nutritional diet for human.
It is actually not food as such. These are small crunchy white bits that are grown in the home's garden. So the pets can take them from there and then a question arises in the owner's mind that can your dog eat water chestnuts?
Are they healthy for dogs? You cannot give the same animal protein diet to your dogs as it may harm its health. The health of your pet is as important as a human. But you know being a dog's it is your duty to give your dog healthy diet and try to keep it away from diseases.
Therefore, before giving the dog anything it is very important to know whether it is safe and healthy for it or not.
There are two types of water chestnuts: Eleocharis dulcis and Trapa natans. Eleocharis dulcis belongs to plant family Cyperaceae and is an edible one. Trapa natans is thorny, invasive, and non-edible.
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How Do The Water Chestnuts Benefit The Human?
Water chestnuts contain many useful nutrients such as 5 g of sugar, 14 mg of sodium, 0.1g of fats, 24g of carbohydrates, 1.2 mg of vitamin E, 4g of vitamin C, 1 gram of proteins, 3g of dietary fibers, 0.06 mg of iron, and 11 mg of calcium.
It is a perfect blend of macro and micronutrients that make it more beneficial for human. They are helpful for providing relief and comfort in indigestion and enhance the activity of the digestive tract.
Fresh water chestnuts are great source of fats than canned and are ideal choice for those who want to gain weight.
Furthermore, freshwater chestnuts contain antioxidants such as epicatechin and catechin that are required for healthy growth.
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Can Dogs Eat Water Chestnut?
The simple answer to this question is yes, dogs can eat water chestnut. It is not food for animals, but most of the pet eat it somehow.
The chestnuts are full of proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber. They are a source of energy for both humans and pets. If taken in moderation these water chestnuts have multiple benefits for the dogs.
DHA in fatty acids is helpful for slowing cognitive aging in dogs. It is also good for their brain, eyes and joints it can reduce the pain and inflammation in their joints that may occur due to arthritis. It is also helpful for curing the kidney diseases.
Proteins and fibers are useful for repairing the damaged tissues in dogs. Proteins are good for the growth of their bone, muscles, hair, and skin tissues. Fibers improve the health of digestive system and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacterial in the digestive tract.
Potassium in them is good for the health of dog's kidney, heart and upset tummies.
Water chestnuts contain vitamins that make them beneficial for dogs like all other such food. Vitamin C in them acts as antioxidant and cures inflammation and many dental issues in dogs.
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Side Effects Of Water Chestnuts For Dogs:
Water chestnuts have many adverse effects if they are not given in moderate amount to dogs. Horse chestnuts are types of chestnut but not are water chestnuts.
They are toxic for both horses and dogs. They cause colic problems and many other gastrointestinal issues in them, even the leaves of horse chestnut trees cause diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain in dogs.
Water chestnuts may be dangerous for the dogs as the vegetables have high sodium concentration. Too much sodium content causes nausea, vomiting, tremors, and many others.
Moreover, they absorb much water and if your dog takes excess of water, it will cause diarrhea in it. Cooked water chestnuts are not good for dogs as they have onion, garlic and many other such ingredients that are toxic for dogs. So avoid cooked water chestnuts for dogs.
Always give them to dogs in moderate amount and do not make chestnuts their regular meal if you want healthy dogs. In the start give them in small amount and observe if the dog shows no adverse action then you can feed them regularly.
FAQs How can I sever water chestnuts to my dog?Always serve water chestnuts to dogs in form of choked cubes or pasta and mix them with any other food. It will lessen the choking hazards.
Why are the water chestnuts called so?Water chestnuts have while fleshy skin and look like nuts. But in actually they are not nuts they are aquatic vegetables.