Camping Essentials

By Mod31

I’m going camping for Labor Day weekend! Those who know me will attest that I am not much of an outdoorsy type. I’ll go hiking from time to time, and during my stint in Ecuador I embarked on many memorable outdoor adventures, but I would define myself as a city girl. However, I have learned to appreciate outdoor activities because they allow me to enjoy the marvelous beauty of nature. So I said yes to this camping trip in the middle of nowhere (not even a reserved campsite…). Meaning I won’t have a decent bath or restroom for a whole weekend.

Because of this, I have to make sure I pack all the essentials to ease my discomfort as much as possible. With the help of some friends, I compiled the shopping list below (not including clothing):

  1. Dry Shampoo: I have oily hair that cannot skip a day of washing before it gets greasy. Aside from looking atrocious, the feeling of greasy hair is not something I want to deal with. Dry shampoo is going to be so convenient.
  2. Sunscreen: Protect your skin!
  3. Cotton Swabs: I always carry these around on my travels. These babies always prove to be useful for one thing or another.
  4. Lip Balm (tinted): I am obsessed with lip balms. I have a different one for every purse, so that I don’t have to worry about losing any when I switch up my bags. Tinted ones are great because they add just a hint of color to liven up your face.
  5. Bobby Pins and elastic hair ties: To keep hair out of your face and out of the way.
  6. Waterproof Mascara & Eyeliner: Ok, so I know that makeup on a camping trip is a bit ridiculous. But if I were to limit myself to any one or two items, it will be these two. Eyeliner and mascara does wonder to brighten up your look! Waterproof is best because they will stay put throughout the hikes and swimming and whatever other activities you’ll be doing under the sun.
  7. Petroleum Jelly (alternative): Since petro jelly isn’t that good for you (chemical-wise), go with a natural alternative. This balm can serve many purposes, including makeup removal!
  8. Insect Repellent: A friend of mine introduced me to these wristbands to keep bugs away, and they worked on the last hiking trip I was on. Hopefully they prove successful again because I hate spraying myself with repellent.
  9. Face Moisterizer (with SPF): Protect  your face!
  10. Baby Wipes: Because there will be no running water, I keep these around to clean up. So convenient.
  11. Hand Sanitizer: See above.
  12. Camping Towel: Omigosh you guys, these things are the best. I got my first one years ago when I traveled to Ghana. These towels are super thin and compact, so they will fit into your bag without taking up much room. Yet they are SO absorbent! I traveled everywhere with that thing – it’s an absolute must.
  13. Hairbrush or Comb: Tangled hair is the worst.
  14. Compact Mirror: This is self explanatory.

Of course there are other pretty obvious things, such as tent and sleeping bag, toilet paper, toothbrush, and first aid kits that I felt needed no explanation. And of course, layers of clothes and my swimsuit. I hope I haven’t forgotten anything important! I can’t wait to see the wonders that Sequoia National Park has to offer.

 What do you always pack for your camping/outdoor adventure trips?