
By Darlenedame

tanner getting his feet cleaned. i was surprised he did it because he has the most sensitive feet of anyone i've ever known. we got foot massages almost every night.
our first day in cambodia was spent on a boat tour of a floating village. it was just my in laws and tanner and i who were able to leave early to visit cambodia. the rest of the family met with us later in thailand. i didn't know what to expect of the country. i knew it was 3rd world, but, i've never seen such poverty. i thought the city was dirty when we first arrived but soon realized it was actually clean compared to the outskirts. it was interesting to watch how people live their lives.  it was one of those situations where really, they didn't mind their living circumstances because they didn't know any better. it was a humbling experience.

 this is one of my favorite pictures from cambodia. southeast asia is known for it's monasteries and monks converting at a young age. i guess you can convert at any age. some people are monks for a day while others stay true their whole lives. 

 i'm not an indiana jones fan, but one of the movies was filmed in this temple.

we stumble upon these silly tourist picture opportunities all the time but, this one was only a dollar. tanner was stoked!

our second day in cambodia was spent touring several different ruins of ancient temples. they were quite fascinating with all the detail that was put into them. the one where indiana jones was filmed, had huge trees growing right through the stone. we finished the day with a tour of angkor wat, the most famous temple. all of them were beautiful. the thing i remember most about this day was how stinkin hot it was. i was going on my third day wearing the same clothes (thanks to our luggage getting lost) and felt really gross. not to be negative, because the experience was amazing, but i just wish i had some shorts and a t-shirt for this day. i might have enjoyed it a little more. cambodia is an awesome country with lots of history and things to do and see. we were cut short a day because we missed a flight but you could really spend a few days here.