Calm, Cool, “Caul” And Collected

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

As an individual by nature I was always quite composed and sure of myself, never having any serious doubts yet thorough within analyzing any circumstance or possibility because I am someone who is fair and very open-minded and that doesn’t generalize or impetuously jump to final conclusions.

Though born with second-sight and having that sharp “eye” to see and perceive beyond the ordinary scope of what is considered normal I and we as “sensitives”, “clairvoyants” and “mediums” instantly read, feel and communicate energy, vibration, and situation as well as people and their own personal circumstances without and sometimes even with intention.

It is interesting how people with our faculty come across many individuals that constantly lie to us and attempt to hide things from us while all along we know the truth and can automatically view what they want and try to keep concealed as they’re not fooling anyone but themselves, we may even laugh and shake our heads at them.

Many individuals don’t understand how our paranormal abilities work as we all operate within distinct modes, some within similar fashions while others within the unusual or idiosyncratic, and often underestimate or downplay our capacity.

Many get angry at us for being able to supernaturally detect an instance and they fear us because they do not understand how we can know the things that we do without having to be physically present or personally aware by someone of an event or occurrence while it may take place as others have to tell them of those things for them to know and to hear about it, things that they find out on television or by reading a news paper we could beforehand already have had a vision, message, or dream about.

Often sometimes among certain individuals they believe that if they’ve never experienced something of a paranormal nature then it isn’t possible for it to come about or that is does not exist or that it is mistaken for something else.

Sometimes it is even envy or jealousy that comes into play as some people don’t want another to have an attribute that they do not have even though deep down inside they do know and believe within the obvious yet go into denial due to not wanting to accept and will raise questions to find a reason to doubt.

Even if particular individuals are aware of things we have to remember that it is just hard for them to “accept” certain truths in general.

I’ve been told that my psychic abilities are very intuitive by others who also have the “power” and also by those that do not but that are able to recognize or observe an aptitude within another individual’s presence and I have been greatly resented by some for being able to sense and to recognize things about others that the average human being could not detect just like quite a few of us have throughout our lifetime.

We all go through things in life, however, we should never regret or be ashamed to acknowledge who we are and what we are about no matter how uncommon or unacceptable or “supernatural” that it is within society because if we do we are denying and repressing ourselves and that is not healthy or moral. As long as we are living productively and not bothering anyone why be afraid to self express and/or self identify?

I don’t know how to be anyone else but me and I wouldn’t want to camouflage just to avoid ridicule or confrontation.

We come out much better taking on the challenge yet I do understand those in particular who often have to play it safe due to their own set of circumstances and the vileness of others so we have to live and do what is within our personal best interest.