Calling Small Businesses : Create an App Like ‘Wish’ and Rake in the $$

Posted on the 20 December 2019 by Aben @appscrip

Off late there has been an increasing demand to have a marketplace providing all facilities under its umbrella. People continuously look for a place where they can shop across multiple categories with one app - whether it is groceries, Fashion, beauty, health, toys, books, music, gaming, software, art, handicrafts, and collectibles.

Wish Marketplace Basics

Customer service, competitive prices, fast shipping, wide selection, and effective digital marketing are other factors that must be kept in mind while designing an e-commerce marketplace.

Every e-commerce marketplace has to learn to handle fast and bumpy lessons left by disruptors like Uber and Airbnb. They have made tremendous efforts to make customer's lives dramatically better, giving one positive experience at a time.

List of Top E-commerce Platforms for small business in US 2019

What is Wish App About?

The Wish app is a shopping app for iPhone and Android that lets you order cheap goods online with major savings. Most items ship straight from China, but some ship from the U.S. for faster delivery and you can even pick up a few items locally.

Wish is a shopping service in the United States and the UK that puts consumers directly in touch with sellers in China to buy clothing, electronics, and gadgets at a steep discount.

What Makes an App like Wish for Merchants Work?

The products on Wish offer some unbelievable discounts. For example, a pair of women's boots is listed as being marked down from $181 to $18. However, Wish doesn't list any brand information or other specifics for such product so you can't really verify that you're receiving such a huge discount.

Wish business model

Wish has a marketplace business model. It's a mediator between merchants and buyers. It's not responsible or liable for any content published by merchants.

Merchants are directly responsible for providing e-commerce services to their clients. In other words, the Wish app only connects buyers and sellers but isn't directly involved in transactions between them.

The platform charges sellers 15% of each purchase.

What Should be Considered While Making an App like Wish?

  • The app should support popular platforms like Android and iOS.
  • Your users should be able to use it irrespective of their geography hence, language and currency compatibility is needed.
  • Integration of multiple stores.
  • Make it scalable to add millions of products as it grows with popularity.
  • The mobile app should seamlessly integrate with the website (if they have one), furthermore, it should integrate with the shipping and payment methods too.
  • An elegant yet simple 'User Interface' (UI) is a must in this highly competitive landscape.
  • Push notifications are important since online shopping mobile apps need to engage consumers in a sustained manner.
  • Secure, fast, and easy check-out is a given in an online shopping mobile app.
  • Search and advanced filtering options.
  • The app needs to have robust analytics capabilities to measure user engagement.

Apps like Wish and Geek connects merchants with global customers. With > 100 million customer accounts and 100000 merchants that are selling around 40 million items - everything is at a discounted price (featuring everything from clothes to smartphones to fitness gadgets and wearables etc.)

Other features that can be included in the e-commerce app

  • Gift and loyalty cards
  • Add to a favorites section
  • Blogs
  • Parenting section
  • Calculator and currency converter
  • A section to compare products
  • Secure Payment Gateway
  • Product Image Quality
  • Product Reviews
  • Dedicated 'Discounts' Feature
  • Product Search with QR Codes

Useful Tips: Building Wish Marketplace App

Apps similar to wish business model can be developed via proper planning coupled with market research and subsequent development efforts. Important things to make a mass impact:

Consider social media strategy

Reach audiences offline

Improve the user-experience

Accept more payment methods

Invest in analytics and SEO.

Mobile apps like wish can be utilized to secure an amazing shopping experience.