Calling on FOTM’s Prayer Warriors!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A good friend of FOTM needs your prayers.

She is Miss May, whom you have seen countless times being h/t (hat-tipped) at the end of many of our posts, for being the source of that news tip. She occasionally comments on FOTM as maziel.

Miss May is also a very talented writer of children’s books, photographer, and blogger. (Check out her blog Life On Sleepy Creek Today.)

Two days ago, May was diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer in one of her breasts. While that is bad news, it is manageable. Stage 1 means the tumor is smaller than ¾” in diameter and, since her lymph nodes are clear, doesn’t appear to have metastasized — that is, spread beyond the breast.

The good news is that she is in the hands of a very capable doctor, whom she respects and trusts. She must now decide whether she’ll have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.

With recent advances in medical science and treatment, breast cancer is no longer a death knell, but very survivable, especially at Stage One.

Please say a prayer for our beloved Miss May — that our merciful and all-loving Lord, Jesus the Christ, sends His angelic hosts to assist her surgeon to remove the cancer — expeditiously and thoroughly — and help her on the road to full recovery.

Thank you.
