Calling For Writers

Posted on the 17 June 2013 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

Man, it’s been a while since I’ve done this. No really, it’s been a long while. In fact it’s been so long that I can no longer find the first post I made asking for new writers. It’s that old! (Or maybe I just deleted it. Whoops.) Oh well. Anyways, I’ve been toying around with this idea for a few weeks, but now it’s time to put the idea into action: I’m in need of 3 new writers to blog anime weekly. 

What I require

  • Anime blogging: You get to blog 1-2 ongoing anime each week. You get to choose what series you want to cover.
  • Reliability: This is not going to be easy. Should get that out of the way. You are expected to have your posts on time and weekly (hence why I’m only limiting it to 1-2 anime), so being consistent is key, and that means finding time to write!
  • Format: There’s also going to be a format to follow as well. I think that’s just the breaks!

What I Don’t Require

  • Everything else on OASG: I pretty much worry about everything on the site, so…unless asked, your focus will only be on blogging! You don’t need to know anything else.
  • Basic Blogging Knowledge: If you have blogged before, it would be a plus — but otherwise, if you have not blogged before, you will know how.
  • Your Anime Knowledge: Whether you’ve watched 500 anime or watched 50 anime, it doesn’t matter to me. Well, almost. But I’m mostly looking for good writers, and if you can prove you can write and watch anime weekly, it doesn’t matter your experience.

Let’s Make This Simple: How To Apply:

  1. Deadline: 6/24/13. May extend if necessary.
  2. Subject line: Contact me via email (organizationasg at gmail dot com), and, to avoid somehow falling into the spam folder, have OASG Ep blogger as your subject line. 
  3. Provide your name.
  4. A few reasons why you’d want to write for OASG.
  5. Name a few anime you’re watching from the Spring season.

See? This isn’t so hard right?…Right? No don’t be scared! Just give it a shot and see what happens! I’m looking forward to your applications! Any questions you have I’ll answer in the comments or you can just send me info via email.