Call up for the Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest on April 26

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from HambachForest

“After the evic­tion of the third oc­cupa­ti­on in the Ham­bach Fo­rest near Köln, which took place on March 27th after ne­ar­ly 7 months…We had to suf­fer mas­si­ve Re­pres­si­on, es­pe­ci­al­ly the last time: the raid on the mea­dow oc­cupa­ti­on and two other pro­jects, con­fis­ca­ti­on of all our elec­tro­nic de­vices as well as pri­va­te stuff and scripts. This pro­ves one thing: Our di­rect pro­test against the ex­ploi­ta­ti­on and the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re by RWE is ef­fec­tive. We will show that we‘re not af­raid and we will not give up!”

You can find flyer and pos­ter for self-​print here.


An one hour In­ter­view about the Ham­bach Fo­rest and the pro­test in the Rhein­land against brown coak ari­sed in the United Sta­tes on the last sun­day. It deals with ba­si­cal­ly in­for­ma­ti­ons as well as with cur­rent stuff – as ex­amp­le the raid and the evic­tion of the fo­rest oc­cupa­ti­on.

The an­ar­chist radio pro­gram “The Final Straw“ from As­he­vil­le/North Ca­ro­li­na has via pod­cast a very large cur­ren­cy in the scene and shows weekly local and in­ter­na­tio­nal pro­tests and mo­ve­ments.

You can hear the stuff there:

Im­port or Down­load:




The pro­gramm is broad­cas­ted fre­quent­ly by the ZAD radio.

Love & An­ar­chy!

Oc­cupa­ti­on Num­ber 4!

As an­noun­ced be­fo­re, there will be a Re-​oc­cupa­ti­on at Day X+4 (the sa­tur­day 4 weeks after the evic­tion).

And: The 26th of April isn‘t just a day like ano­ther. Ex­act­ly 28 years ago from this day, the nu­cle­ar ca­ta­stro­phe in Tscher­no­byl took place. We can­not se­pe­ra­te the strugg­les against Coal and Nu­cle­ar Power. It’s not en­ough to shut down nu­cle­ar power plants and ma­king en­er­gy by burrning coal; as well it’s not ac­cep­ta­ble to stop mi­ning and burning coal and then crea­te en­er­gy by nu­cle­ar power.

It’s a com­mon re­sis­tan­ce against the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and the on­go­ing grow­th wi­thout ques­tio­ning the re­sults. It’s a cri­ti­cism of ca­pi­ta­list thin­king, which just di­vi­des in re­sour­ces and ca­pi­tal.
We can­not wait until the next big ca­ta­stro­phe opens the eyes of peop­le.

So­me­thing has to chan­ge NOW!

So we will reoc­cu­py the Ham­bach For­rest on April the 26th, mas­si­ve and de­ter­mined!  At this day, a de­mons­tra­ti­on will start at 2 pm at the train sta­ti­on in Buir.

If you are mo­ti­va­ted to take part in the or­ga­niza­t­i­on, you can visit the “Build Re­sis­tan­ce Skill Sharing Camp”, which takes place from 12th to 25th April on the oc­cup­ied mea­dow. There will take place an open or­ga­niza­t­i­on mee­ting for the day of the Reoc­cupa­ti­on on Sun­day, 13th April, at 12am.

You can par­ti­ci­pa­te as sin­gle per­sons or af­fi­ni­ty groups in many dif­fe­rent ways: Spread the word, help with the or­ga­niza­t­i­on, oc­cu­py the trees or sup­port on the ground.  Your so­li­da­ri­ty is stron­ger than all re­pres­si­on!

For more in­for­ma­ti­on write to hambacherforst@​riseup.​net, or fol­low our blog: hambacherforst.​blogsport.​de.

To­ge­ther, we stop RWE and the open cast pit!
Re­spect Exis­tence or Ex­pect Re­sis­tan­ce!

See you on April 26th!