If you would like to contribute to this blog then please e-mail me on 5thingstodotoday@gmail.com. I’m really enjoying receiving your suggestions and here are some from cakeforyourthoughts.wordpress.com. Please make sure you check out the blog.
- Learn something new. Whether it’s a new word, a new skill, or a new tidbit of information—take what you learn and do something with it! Spread awareness or just sound smart. Either way, you’re educating yourself!
- Drive with the widows down and the radio cranked. And if it’s below freezing, turn up the heater!
- Turn off your electronics. (At least the ones for entertainment!…not counting #2.) Find something to do without technical help FOR A WHOLE DAY! Ever heard of card games? Organize that drawer you’ve been avoiding. Make a few goals for the next year. The sky is the limit when you’re thinking for yourself!
- Pay it forward. If you’re at your coffee shop, the grocery store, the gas station, a restaurant—pay for the person behind you! Spread the love to someone you don’t’ know!
- Call someone to say “Thank you”. A friend, your mom, and old teacher. Too often we take for granted that those in our lives feel wanted and needed. Sometimes it’s nice to hear.
Thank you for reading