Call Someone to Say “Thank You” Amongst Other Suggestions

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

If you would like to contribute to this blog then please e-mail me on I’m really enjoying receiving your suggestions and here are some from Please make sure you check out the blog.

  1. Learn something new. Whether it’s a new word, a new skill, or a new tidbit of information—take what you learn and do something with it! Spread awareness or just sound smart. Either way, you’re educating yourself!
  2. Drive with the widows down and the radio cranked. And if it’s below freezing, turn up the heater!
  3. Turn off your electronics. (At least the ones for entertainment!…not counting #2.) Find something to do without technical help FOR A WHOLE DAY! Ever heard of card games? Organize that drawer you’ve been avoiding. Make a few goals for the next year. The sky is the limit when you’re thinking for yourself!
  4. Pay it forward. If you’re at your coffee shop, the grocery store, the gas station, a restaurant—pay for the person behind you! Spread the love to someone you don’t’ know!
  5. Call someone to say “Thank you”. A friend, your mom, and old teacher. Too often we take for granted that those in our lives feel wanted and needed. Sometimes it’s nice to hear.

Thank you for reading
