Call of Duty MW3 Elite Problems

Posted on the 12 November 2011 by Badmoneyblog @badmoneyblog
Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3 Elite Problems.
At first glance, Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3's release seemed to take into account the lessons learned when rival Battlefield 3's release encountered server issues; with widespread online game play outages.  The MW3 online game play was smooth from the first game played at just after the midnight 7 NOV release, until the present.  However, the same cannot be said for the add-on features when the Elite features - Call of Duty MW3 Elite Problems were evident. 
The features for Call of Duty Elite seemed awesome, even for the FREE version.  (To see the free and paid features Click Here!)  We tried in vain to log onto this much anticipated Elite feature only to encounter never ending load times or "error" displayed time after time.  Luck for us, we haven't already shelled out the $49.95 that MW3 requires for the privilege to be a "founder."  A founder or what, we are just not sure.
Supposedly, once the Call of Duty MW3 Elite problems subside, we will enjoy awesome contests, great clan features, and nine months of downloadable content for the $49.95 we are eventually going to shell out along with the millions of others who have made the Call of Duty line the most loved game ever.
Is it worth it, well that remains to be seen.  However, the updated map and other content that MW3 plans to release will likely end up costing us more than the initial investment or $49.95 since map packs can cost $10- $15 a piece anyways.
As of today, we are still unable to log into Elite.  So we are forced to just kill and build stats while waiting for the Call of Duty MW3 Elite problems to get fixed!
Many websites and blogs are announcing that the makers of MW3 Elite are giving us the full month to buy the paid Elite subscriptions and still enjoy founder status.  For more information on this issue, click on some of the links below to view other stories. 
FREE giveaway of MW3 double XP codes - Click Here!
Call of Duty: Elite offers an explanation for the problems and a free month for subscribers Click Here!
Official CoD: Elite FAQ addresses all your problems Click Here!
Call of Duty Elite struggles with too many first-day users Click Here!