Hi everyone! I hope this blog post finds you doing well! I’m currently working on my next book, the first in a series about talismans, and I’m excited to share with you that it’s all about the car charms that we have hanging in our vehicles. The book is titled Stories of the Traveling Talismans © Copyright 2016, and it’s a collection of true short stories from people around the world about their talismans that hang in their vehicles. Each story includes a photo of the storyteller’s talisman as well. If you’d like to know more about the book, and would like to submit your story, please send me an email at the following email address: sunnygm2fikc@gmail.com. Once I hear from you, I will send you more details about the book, the Terms of Agreement, and the Submission Guidelines. Act soon because the call for submissions ends February 15th, 2016, and I’ve already had several inquires since posting the call for submissions. I look forward to hearing from you!
All the best,