Californians Defy New Gun-control Law Inspired by Sandy Hook

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A dictatorial government is resisted actively (via protests and armed insurrection) or passively via noncompliance.

California is a notoriously “liberal” blue state, and the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California is teeming with Progressives, Democrats, and leftwingers. Of course, that doesn’t mean EVERY Californian is a leftist.

Gun owners in the Bay Area are defying a new law banning high-capacity magazines with passive resistance.

Inside Bay Area reports that California state law has banned making, selling, giving and lending magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds since 2000. But those who owned them before 2000 were allowed to keep them.

In November 2013, 67% of voters in Sunnyvale, a city in Silicon Valley in south Bay Area, approved a gun-control Measure C banning high-capacity magazine no matter when they were acquired. Owners of such magazines are supposed to turn them in to the police for destruction, sell them out of state or to a licensed gun dealer, or move the banned magazines out of town.

The measure survived a series of legal challenges seeking to keep it from taking effect. So at midnight on March 6, 2014, anyone who possessed a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds was committing a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, six months in jail or both.

But Sunnyvale police say nobody has showed up at the city’s Department of Public Safety to turn over their magazines.

Sunnyvale city spokeswoman Jennifer Garnett dismissed the possibility that many owners are simply ignoring the new ordinance, saying, ”The magazines have a value so it’s not surprising at all that people would consider alternatives like selling them versus turning them in to Public Safety. Barring any unusual circumstances, we wouldn’t cite people for voluntarily turning in their large capacity magazines to Public Safety even though it is legally possible at this time to cite them.”

San Francisco approved a similar ban last year, but San Francisco police Sgt. Eric O’Neal said his department has no system to track whether any magazines have been turned in for destruction under the new ordinance.

What is even more fascinating is that the AP story on this says:

The two California cities [Sunnyvale and San Francisco] enacted laws similar to several other municipalities banning magazines that hold more 10 bullets in reaction to the 2012 mass-shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

This is the same AP (Associated Press) whose news photos on the Sandy Hook massacre turn out to be pre-dated, that is, the pictures had actually been created days, months, and in some cases, years BEFORE Adam Lanza allegedly shot to death 20 six-year-olds and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.

So, you see, the Sandy Hook false flag is about gun control and is successful.

For the links to all the posts FOTM has published on the Sandy Hook deception, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page.
