California 9th-grade Textbook Features Bondage, Sex Toys, Oral Sex

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Yet another reason to home school.

A 9th-grade “health” textbook for public schools in Fremont in the San Francisco Bay Area, features such edifying and educational subjects as oral sex, vibrators, and bondage.

The textbook is the 392-page Your Health Today, authored by U. of Iowa professor Michael Teague, U. of Washington School of Public Health assistant dean Sara Mackenzie, and retired U. of Iowa professor David Rosenthal. The book’s cover is a photo of two young male homosexuals.

Eric Owens reports for The Daily Caller, Aug. 7, 2014, that over a thousand outraged parents who have children enrolled in Fremont’s public schools have signed petitions threatening legal action over the textbook. The semester-long course in which the textbook will be used is a required course for graduation.

In addition to the bondage information, the textbook also contains:

  • Detailed illustrations of female and male sexual organs in different phases of arousal — “excitement,” “plateau,” “orgasm” and “resolution.”
  • Guidelines for using Internet dating sites.
  • Instructions on masturbation and explanations of the major sexual positions.
  • A section on gay marriage.
  • Information on e-cigarettes.

Fremont school district’s health teachers unanimously chose the textbook for their 2,400 ninth-grade students. The school board narrowly voted 3-2 to adopt it.

School officials have defended their decision to utilize the textbook by saying that 14-year-old kids need to know about sex, bondage and orgasms well before they reach college.

Fremont Unified School District board president Lara Calvert-York told the San Francisco Chronicle, “We really want them to have a safe place to get facts about their bodies and how to handle things and how they need to be mature to deal with these things.”

Lara Calvert-York (l); Michele Hartmangruber (r)

Michele Hartmangruber, who works in campus security at Fremont’s Irvington High School, said at a June school board meeting, “I want to let everyone know, if you think sex isn’t happening with your freshmen, you need to take your blinders off. It’s happening, and it’s happening in the corners, in the bathrooms, in the cars, in the parks and even on the 50-yard line in front of everyone.”

Blah. Blah. Blah.

The parents who have signed the petition disagree.

Asfia Ahmed, who has a son entering 9th grade, said, “I feel that it’s not age appropriate for these kids.” In a letter to the school board, Ahmed described the textbook as offensive and essentially pornographic at certain points: “I was shocked when I looked at the book the first time. I am willing to pursue legal action, and I have other parents willing to support me on this.”

H/t California Political Review
