Calgary Gets Second Snowfall Of The Summer, How Will This Affect Climate Change’s Self-Esteem?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo News Digest reports that a heavy snow fall in Calgary, Alberta, Canada this morning could take “days” or “weeks” to clean up. It’s the second snowfall for Calgary this summer.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Who secretly unassembled Calgary and moved it to Australia? It’s winter, in Australia, right? Dear Australia: if Calgary has been permanently moved to Australia, that means you, Australia, now officially own Nickelback. 

2. Well, at least this will convince all of the citizens of a city based on an oil economy that climate change is real, just like almost every scientist agrees, right? Because we’re sure that Calgarians will agree that 99% of scientists are a better source of science than a snowman in a lab coat their kids just built on the lawn.

3. Since it’s snowing in September, is it time to rename your hockey team, the warm-sounding “Calgary Flames” to something more representative of Calgary? Perhaps the “Calgary Dingo Ice Capaders” in light of your similarity to Australia?