Calendar // November

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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I said it the other day and on reflection, realised how true it was. It’s not Halloween that scares me, it’s the day after ~ the eldest turns 12.

Twelve?! How did that happen?

I guess when you consider the lightning fast pace of each and every year, it’s not that hard to believe. This photo was taken on the same day that last year’s November taken. It’s a long time between decent photo walks!

Next year, a few short months away, I will have a high schooler, children in different schools, the apron strings slightly loosened.

So now, with the weeks in the school dwindling into single figures, I’m going to relish the simple weeks we have left.

So November. The year’s end is but two months away.

So we kick off with All Saints Day and of course end with Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday.

  • November comes from the Latin novem meaning nine.
  • It starts on the same day of the week as February and March in common years and is one of four months with 30 days.
  • November 11 is Remembrance Day or Veterans Day in the US. Other notable dates include World Diabetes Day on November 15, International Men’s Day on November 19. It’s also Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It’s also Movember.
  • For budding writers it’s a big month with National Novel Writing Month and National Blog Posting Month. [Timely writing advice round-up here]
  • The race that stops the nation, Australia’s own Melbourne Cup is on the first Tuesday.
  • The birthstone is topaz and the citrine and the flower is the chrysanthemum.

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