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Um, March. Really? Already?
I had to include this Instagram picture of February turning into March that I took when I was still on track with the photo a day challenge [we won't speak of that again this month!].
But I love this picture which, like many great images, was a bit of a fluke. I opened the door for my light and the gentle breeze lifted the calendar.
The calendar is a Stendig calendar, which also hangs in the MOMA. It was part of my Quarterly subscription from swiss miss earlier this year and hangs in our hallway.
It’s a pretty gardenia with a busy little ant scurrying along the edge gracing the March calendar. With a little bit of green for St Patrick’s Day this month.
Download the horizontal March calendar
Download the vertical March calendar
Marching on to some facts about the third month of the year.
- March starts on the same day of the week as November every year, and February in non-leap years.
- It’s the change of seasons ~ autumn here in the southern hemisphere and spring in the north.
- The name of March comes from Latin Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar.
- It was named for Mars, the Roman god of war who was also regarded as a guardian of agriculture and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus. His month Martius was the beginning of the season for both farming and warfare.
- Go figure! It’s World Maths Day on the first Wednesday in March and International Women’s Day on March 8.
- And Pi Day on March 14
- The equinox, named the vernal or spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere, occurs on dates varying from March 19 toMarch 21.
- Francophiles unite! It’s International Francophone Day on March 22.
- Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth! It’s International Day of Happiness on March 20
- March’s birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone, these stones symbolise courage, and its birth flower is the daffodil.