Calaguas, the Beach That Started It All

By Killerfillers @killrfillr
If I can remember the last time a I ride a bus bound to province it was way back 2002.   I usually spend the summer visiting my grandparents in the sleepy town of Candon.  When they moved to Manila, the closest I have hopped on a bus would be the regular trip from Alabang-Cubao. Then came the summer trip to Calaguas.  Spurred into an unusual level of excitement we went to Taguig right after work.  Arriving way too early on the meeting place, we found ourselves munching on potato chips and ogling Paloma* on the cover of FHM to pass time.

Vinzons port

It was already pass 10PM when we all boarded on a bus for the long 300km (more or less) drive to Daet.  Cruising the SLEX and navigating zigzagging roads I couldn’t sleep on the whole trip. I tried to drown my awaken senses watching Pineapple Express on board but still end up gazing out of the window.  It was dark. My mind drifts on a thought that our bus might fall off  into a deep ravine.  Call it  a case of too much paranoia or  missing my comfortable bed sheet I eventually succumb to the call of  sleep when we reach Gumaca.
By the time we arrived at Daet it was already time for breakfast.  So much for our resolve, we had to travel another two hours or more to get to Calaguas.  From Daetit was a quick drive to Vinzons port. It’s a small port but we were greeted by kids as if we were celebrities. Following the brief conversation with the children, we suddenly missed our kids. We then  board on a large outrigger boat chartered for our trip. 

Calaguas at last

Seated on the narrow side of the boat , I take a deep breath of the gentle breeze.  My fake Rayban aviator glistened in the sun as we pass by beautiful islands.  Slowly the magnificent views were replaced by the dark blue sea, it was a long boat ride after all. Nevertheless the waves were generally calm. As we get closer to Mahabang Buhangin, the sight of white sand looming over the horizon is taunting us.  They look very close and within our reach.  The crystal clear water made me so excited  that I  want to jump out of the boat even before we reach the shore. Of course, I didn’t do it because I don’t know how to swim.

the unspoiled Calaguas

the boy from mahabang buhangin

It’s been a tough journey going to Calaguas, nine hours  of dizzying bus ride  and another two hours boat ride. In the end it was all worth it.  Paradise is an understatement . You’ll simply forget everything the moment you reached the unspoiled Calaguas. The white sand resembles that of the polvoron you buy in Goldilocks and the blue turquoise water is just inviting.  It’s our first time to camp and what a better way to experience it than camping in the beach.  We pitched our tents close to the nipa hut  so that going for a restroom break wouldn’t be hassle for the girls. We explored a bit of the beach before we quickly emptied our plates consisting of dilis, hotdog and laing

local kids playing in the powdery white sand

the rugged side of mahabang buhangin

Exhausted after the long trip  we doze off in our tents before we stroll towards the rocky side of the Mahabang Buhangin. We did a whole lot of leisurely swim before going back to the tent when other groups flock this side of the beach. Along the way camera clicks can be heard as photo-enthusiasts start abusing the shutter and shooting non-stop. I don’t blame them though with the lush greenery, white sand to complement the pristine water – Calaguas is a photographers haven.

the trail to the hill

The alluring hills on the opposite side was another sight to behold. Out of morbid curiosity we decided to trek the moderately sloped hills.  We followed a marked  trail  but I think we took too much time taking pictures only to realize that the impending sunset is almost upon us.  In other words we didn’t forgo. We head back to the campsite and  rest our toes. Letting out an exasperating huff our eyes were glued to the sunset.  The bright sunshine awhile ago was slowly sinking and fading.  It was a good way to end a beautiful day.
Dinner followed afterwards but we didn’t sleep right away. There was drinking spree sort of because it was Ced’s birthday (one of the owner of Travel Factor) that time.  Everyone gathered on the makeshift drinking area.  The rest of the night were spent drinking cocktails, belting out Eraserheads greatest hits, and watching fire dancer.  A drizzle make a landfall making the ocean breeze cooler than the usual gentle wind. In search of warmth we lit up a bonfire as we play beach tunes under the amply glow of the moonlight. Time passes by and it was already midnight when we retire on our tents.

playing with fire

Come morning, we woke up to the sound of crashing waves in the sea. A lot has passed out from last night drinking sortie.  Some sleep on the sand knocked out most probably.  To make the most of our time we spent the early morning walking around the beach.  It was Sunday that time but there are still boats unloading tourists. It is somehow a sign that it was our time to leave the island.  

Happy Campers!! L-R: The wife and ms.d

knocked out

We left the island on a bittersweet note. A part of me is  regretful wishing  that we could have stayed a bit longer to savor the laid-back lifestyle that’s far from the stressing work in the office. At the same time happy because I can finally take a bath and charged my phone. I’ve had my good share of beaches, and being on the Philippines somehow, somewhere you’ll find yourself on the beach  at least once a year. I’m just happy that  I’ve finally gone to one of the finest beaches in the country.

the simple life

On the boat going back to Daet, I looked back at the pictures it made me realize that’s definitely there’s more to life  than chasing careers and having fancy cars. The trip made me quench for new experiences and opens my mind that nothing is ever quite  as it looked in the picture. More than the powdery white sand and crystal clear water it was the perspective in life that  made this trip memorable.
A few bullets and notes:
  • This is a long overdue post about Calaguas which happened way back April 2009. 
  • My cheap digicam was acting up a bit weird that time hence the photos here were all taken courtesy of Red.
  • Paloma was the FHM cover girl of April 2009 issue.
  • This trip happened one month after my wife gave birth to our 2nd child.