Cait's Cozy : Pajamas

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Is it cooler weather where you are friends? Unfort. it's still in the upper 80's here in the midwest! Eek! I'm craving fall and with that comes extremely cozy pajamas to jump into after a long day.
When I used to work in the corporate world a few months ago the second I got home, I would run upstairs and put on cozy sweatpants, an old worn t-shirt and/or a sweatshirt depends on the weather. I'm a sucker for anything silky, soft and all things comfortable so I decided to round up a few of my favorite pajamas ( some are even on SALE too )
Some of these items are on even MEGA sale than when I first posted so you'll have to check them out. Personally I'm lovin' the "I'd Rather Be Home In My Pajamas" pillow because #truth, the older I get the more I just love being home and having people over rather than going out. Do you agree?

Pajama Set / I'd Rather Be Home Pillow / Suede Slippers / 
Stripped Pajamas / Short Sleeve Set / Leopard Set / Grey Slippers 
Which pajamas are your favorite?Do you love cozy slippers too?