CAIR Using Wichita Paper to Attempt Shut Down of Law Enforcement Counter-Terrorism Training

Posted on the 22 May 2014 by Ingrafted @dfiningnarrativ

The following report is via “Understanding the Threat” newsletter. This attempt by CAIR, a known HAMAS supporting organization in the USA, is just the latest in a string of attempts to either shut down these counter-terrorism training seminars for Law Enforcement or any other speakers or information that brings bad publicity to Islam. Many of these attempts have been successful, with local authorities kowtowing to CAIR’s demands. CAIR was a leading influence on the Obama Administration to remove the counter Islamic Terrorism training (mentioned below) from the FBI’s manuals. CAIR was also instrumental in reframing the Fort Hood terrorist attack that killed 13 unarmed military personnel, wounding 30 more, into a “workplace violence” incident, expunging all references to Islam, jihad, Muslim, or terrorism from the official report.

CAIR has been unsuccessful in deterring Kansas Legislators and the Governor from passing American Laws for American Courts legislation, a “Female Genital Mutilation” deterrent bill, and just this session a “counter-terrorism” bill coming on the heels of the uunsuccessful Jihad attack on the Wichita airport last fall.

Today (5-21), Wichita Eagle reporter Tim Potter produced a pro-Hamas propaganda piece by regurgitating the comments provided to him by national Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, who represents the Hamas front group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) trying to shut down a 2-day “Understanding the Threat” (UTT) training program for law enforcement in Kansas next week.

This begs the question, if Mr. Potter wrote a pro-Hamas article knowing it would possibly shut down fact/evidence based training by UTT to law enforcement and thus help Hamas’ efforts in the U.S., or simply help Hamas in a general way, does this constitute “Material Support of Terrorism” in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in July 2010 on the matter (“Holder, Attorney General, et al VS Humanitarian Law Project”).

And if Mr. Potter wrote this Hamas puff-piece without any understanding of who Ibrahim Hooper is, shouldn’t he be fired for being incompetent at the very job the Wichita Eagle is paying him to do?

Hamas Propaganda at the Wichita Eagle
Beginning by describing Hamas front group CAIR as a “major national Muslim organization,” Mr. Potter spends a large portion of his article quoting

Tim Potter, Wichita Eagle

Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Hooper who denounces next weeks’ two day training by “Understanding the Threat.”

True to their Kansas backbone, and not deterred by a flea like Ibrahim Hooper, the law enforcement officials are standing firm and plan to move forward with this training.

What is noticeably missing in Mr. Potter’s article is any mention that evidence in the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history (US v Holy Land Foundation (“HLF”), Dallas, 2008) revealed CAIR was created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood to support Hamas and is hostile to the United States. CAIR is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF trial and the Department of Justice lists them as members of the U.S. Palestine Committee in America, which is Hamas.

When CAIR asked the U.S. Court to remove it from the “Unindicted Co-Conspirator List” the federal judge, Jorge Solis, wrote in his unsealed ruling, “The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”) and with Hamas.” This matter was sent to the appellate court which ruled unanimously to keep CAIR on the unindicted co-conspirator list because of the overwhelming evidence against them.

In this case, the government provided a massive amount of documentary and testimonial evidence linking CAIR to the Hamas conspiracy for which HLF and its leaders where convicted and given lengthy jail sentences.

Also missing from Tim Potters article is the fact that the FBI cut off all ties with CAIR because of the HLF evidence linking them to Hamas.

So why is the Wichita Eagle and Tim Potter offering them a platform to attack UTT and the upcoming training program?

The President of UTT is John Guandolo, a decorated Marine Corps Infantry and Reconnaissance officer and combat veteran, who, as an FBI Special Agent, created the first training program in the government detailing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Movement, Sharia, and strategies to deal with the enemy front groups like CAIR. Mr. Guandolo was awarded the “Defender of the Homeland” Award by Senators Jon Kyl and Joseph Lieberman for his efforts.

No mention of any of this in Tim Potter’s article.

One has to assume the Wichita Eagle made an affirmative decision to promote a known Jihadi (“Terrorist” if you prefer) like Ibrahim Hooper over a combat veteran who continues to offer a mountain of facts already in evidence that CAIR is Hamas.

With this in mind, let us turn our eyes back to the Supreme Court’s July 2010 ruling on Material Support. The ruling details what constitutes “material support” and specifically affirms that “any” actions taken to support a designated terrorist organization constitutes “material support” including menial tasks and classes on first aid, because the government and Court understand you cannot separate various kinds of support. “Advocating” for a terrorist organization is also considered material support so long as the advocates “performed in coordination with, or at the direction of, a foreign terrorist organization.” Does the Wichita Eagle know CAIR is Hamas? Did they do any research whatsoever?
It appears to come down to two choices: the Wichita Eagle is a grossly negligent media outlet, or it is knowingly supporting a Hamas entity. Who will pose the question to them? It deserves an answer.

I encourage readers to do a few things:

1. Contact the reporter Tim Potter at or 316-268-6684 and pose the above questions to him.
2. Contact FBI Headquarters and ask them why a Hamas entity (CAIR) with whom they have broken all ties remains unindicted. 202-324-3000.
3. Contact the Attorney General’s Public Comment Line and ask why Hamas front CAIR remains unindicted. 202-353-1515.

It is time to purge terrorist organizations like CAIR and their leaders from our society. It can begin by holding people and organizations in our communities – like the Wichita Eagle – accountable so, at a minimum, they will stop supporting Jihadis.

H/T John Guandolo, UTT