Cain Won’t Be Able to Stay in the Race

By Ceemac126 @PGCBlogging

Gloria Allred’s all blond review wasn’t able to shut the Herman show down but dern if his spice girl of 13 years, Ginger White didn’t do it.  Herman Cain has told his staff that he is now “reassessing his campaign.” according to reports.

Ginger White of Georgia alleges that she carried on an affair with Cain for 13 years and that the physical (ewww) part of their relationship ended about 8 months ago.  In an interview with Atlanta’s Fox news channel, Ginger shows her phone records and the interviewer places a text to Herman from Ginger’s phone and he called right back.  BUSTED!  The phone evidence comes in at about 4:46 into the video clip below. 

 Ginger said she felt bad for his other accusers because they were being “demonized.”  HAHAHAHAHAAAA! I’m so sorry; where is my journalistic professionalism?  Ginger doesn’t pretend to be an innocent victim in this scandal but doesn’t see what she’s done with the married Herman as a dirty thing.

Herman Cain, dude, you have been had or as we say in the DMV area, they set you up.  You keep thinking that you can play their game with them but you’re different.  Ask Jack Johnson, Marion Barry, Vincent Gray, Ulysses Currie, Darryl D. Jones and a host of other unclean Black politicians around here and they will tell you a truth: They might let you play their game for a while but you’ll never be on their team.

What a deluded dummy. 

Keep clean hands politicians.  Clean hands and no worries.