Caged Animals Whirlpool of Lo-fi Tropical Pop

Posted on the 07 September 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Brooklyn’s own Caged Animals (@cagedanimals) are swirling around in a whirlpool of lo-fi tropical pop. Fuzzed out guitars backed by a Casio-esque drum machine make up the sound of their newest single, “Girls on Medication”. Released on a limited edition white vinyl 7”, the song does justice to the format.

Simultaneously beach retro and pseudo electro, Caged Animals are grasping at disparate genres and pulling them together into a beautiful drug-haze canopy.  “Girl on medication/girl of my dreams” is a simple, elegant line and speaks to the irresistible beauty of a damaged soul. “Transparent Castle”, mixing shimmering electronics with distant vocal hooks, makes for an ethereal but engaging listen. The band is planning a brief series of shows in the UK where their mish-mashed lo-fi California electro will find a ready audience.